Chapter 16

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(Third Person POV)
Killer lays on the ground staring at the ceiling Cursed had gotten angry at Killer and had thrown him inside the "time out room" as stupid as it sounds Killer hates it, he hates how quiet it is, he hates staring at the same bland walls for what seems like hours Cursed told him it was to teach a lesson Cursed knew he was slowly breaking Killer he knew full well that it wouldn't take long before Killer would surrender to him Cursed unlocked the door and walked in "Learned your lesson cupcake?"Cursed asked Killer nodded and stood up following Cursed the others haven't rescued him yet "Now let's get you and Cross ready for our wedding!"Cursed smiled Killer stared at Cursed "Not ready to talk? You'll come around"Cursed chuckled at Killer's actions Killer had stopped talking two weeks ago the only times he would speak it was whenever Dream was in control most of the time they're crying into each other's shoulders "Now let's see what do you want to wear a tuxedo or a dress?"Cursed asked Killer shrugged "Aww come on say something"Cursed titled Killer's chin up "whatever pleases you"Killer mumbles Cursed had a look of pure satisfaction Killer was almost his all he needed to do was break down the last remaining walls and Killer would be his! His alone and his forever Cursed patted Killer's head "Good" Cursed said as he turned around looking for an outfit for Killer "maybe this one"Killer tuned Cursed out Killer was starting to believe that Cursed was the only one there for him, the only one who seemed to care enough after all its been five weeks the others should've at least managed to come there once so why haven't they arrived? Killer didn't care he couldn't afford to care all he had to do was push his emotions away and he wouldn't get hurt, Dream wouldn't get hurt, Killer doesn't want to deal with the guilt so all he has to do is ignore his feelings and just listen to Cursed and no one gets hurt

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