Chapter 4

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(Third Person POV)
Killer looked around he didn't know where he was he noticed a huge castle it looked abandoned he walked closer to it something about it seemed familiar he walked inside he noticed a throne in the middle the whole castle reminded him of that Dream guy killer smiled softly another memory was coming back to him
Killer was sitting down near a tree it was one of his favorite spots to be in when he needed time to think a new member had joined Cross was the new members name Killer sighed he noticed how cross and nightmare really got along it made him jealous (I PROMISE THIS IS KILLERMARE IT WONT BE CANNON!) he noticed a shadow behind him Killer looked over his shoulder to see one of the star sanses Dream "Um hi?"Dream said "Hey"Killer mumbled "Mind if I sit next to you?"Killer shook his head symboling no Dream sat next to killer "sooo this is weird"Dream said Killer chuckled "you think?"It wasn't normal to catch your enemy just standing in the open not doing anything that they usually do especially when it comes to the bad sans's the both talked for about what seemed like hours they really seemed to get along "well I have to go meet me here tomorrow?"Killer asked Dream smiled and nodded
Killer sighed he walked up to the throne and sat down on the throne he felt like it 'you look amazing'Killer turned around no one was there strange Killer shrugged it off he got off the throw he continued walking around the place seemed familiar but he just couldn't seem to put it together "that's why I know you'll forgive me for this" Killer looked around no one "killed by the one I loved" He didn't know what was going on he kept hearing voices things that sounded so familiar yet so new to him Killer walked out of the room not feeling safe in it he looked out the window it was a beautiful sight of the sunset
"Your late"Dream said "Nope your just early"Killer replied they both laughed a bit they sat down and talked they watched as the sun set down and talked there really wasn't much to do they've visited OuterTale tons of times so they needed another AU to explore
Killer continued walking around when he walked pat a ball rom he walked in it he noticed dry red stains on the ground a little bit of dust "they're not really tidy are they"Killer mumbled something about this room made him feel hurt and scared for a reason he didn't understand his head screamed danger but he didn't know what to do he didn't recognize anything completely he didn't who or what the danger was "I hate to see you cry"he looked around those weird voices were back he felt something warm on his cheeks he touched them he was crying he was confused he didn't feel sad though he just shook it off and decided to leave the castle on his way he ran into Dream "Killer? What are you doing here?"Dream asked "I was looking for you out of everyone I trust you the most!"Killer said Dream smiled "Alright let's go but please don't come back to this place"Dream said Killer nodded Dream looked at the ball room the awful memory's coming back Dream bit his lip he blinked back a few tears he really hoped Killer didn't remember what had happened he didn't want killer to hate him Dream just got killer back he just needed to help Killer remember them he can't afford in loosing him again "Are we leaving or what?"killer asked Dream nodded and went to catch up to him as they left the castle a shadow appeared inside the castle 'eventually I'll get out of here and I'll make sure I get what I want'

"Do you ever feel like we're being watched?"Killer asked "Now that you mentioned it a little bit not much"Dream said

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