✝️ Test My Christianity 1 ✝️

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(I'm in high school)

Y'all somebody explain to me y an ompa lompa lookin ass nigga decided to try and test my Christianity in my school class comments and today of all days I had time and now he mad he got his ass whipped but hey I told you ass to gon bout you day but you insisted on fucking with me so I toke 3 minutes out the time off my day to address my teacher and here come this short ass mf who can't even swim in 3ft like so sit down some where ohh wait you can't do that cause then you wouldn't be able to see the top of the table but hey its whatever(back to the story) so Yea she asked my opinion on the subject of rona and what are some things we can do to prevent it I said wash our hand especially the boys cause ik most of y'all don't and I know this because I have 5 brothers he goes on to say that's why Im an ugly ass rat and that I'm always talkin bout ppl so I went on to say I wasn't talking about anybody in specific but if the shoe fits wear it and wear it with pride he goes on to say I look like I got lip fillers and I'm a big lip Godzilla so I went on and called him short mind you this dude bullied me for like 4 years so I got sick of his ass and said something last year and I hit personal and he got offended and left me the hell alone and here we are now he still talkin shit bout me about me until I said "well at least my lips ain't on blunts but hey not my business 🥱😴 (was I wrong fo that cause he hit the shit beat outta him in office hours that I had to attended and had to make a public apology to me) I feell bad but then again when you come for me come prepared and obviously he wasn't 🥱 now look at him ice pack on his ass.😌

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