The Store

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Marie and our parents came back late in the morning. Mother grumbled about dust and floors as she made her way to her room, but was otherwise quiet. Marie didn't even spare me a glance before she ran up the stairs and started banging doors open to look for her room. Father looked around while the other two moved away, then turned to me. 

"You unpacked everything and got it set up?", his tone was tired, like he couldn't wait to be done talking. 

"Yes, the only thing I couldn't get was your computer. It's plugged in, but I couldn't get it set up fully without the password. I set up an office area for you in the living room, it's over behind the bookshelf to give you some privacy", father was always very set on not having his work looked at, and would only allow us near the computer for school. Marie was normally the only one to go to school, while I stayed home and worked online. 

"I already knew that. The store you will be going to for supplies is the Dollar General thats about twelve minutes away. Just go out the front door and head to the left from the drive then turn left onto Dogwood Rd. and then right Ashley River Rd. You'll get to it that way, Understood?" Father always had a no nonsense tone when it came to the rules. Giving me the money for this weeks groceries, he walked to his room and closed the door behind him. 

The walk to the store was not long, just like father had said. The streets right off our neighborhood were busy, but other than the traffic it was quiet. The birds were chirping and I could hear an occasional dog bark. The hardest part of the walk was crossing the street on Ashley River Rd. It was busy, and the light took awhile to change so I could walk across. Once I was to the store, I remembered to count the money inside. Grabbing my cart, I pulled the bundle out of my pocket. Counting the bills, I had $80 to buy food and other products. Putting the money back and grabbing my list, I started down the unfamiliar rows. 

Shopping was easy, but the walk home took longer with the heavy bags. By the time I got back home, my arms were shaking and the sun was lowering behind the trees. As I was getting to the door, a rumbling started down the street I had been walking on minutes before. Turing to the noise, a black motorcycle came driving down the road. As they got closer, the rumbling started to resonate in my chest, making it feel like I was humming. The driver parked in the driveway across from my house, and when they got off, they turned to look in my direction. They were tall, and wearing all black. They continued to look in my direction, and I started to feel goose bumps rising on my arms. It was like being watched by a wolf. Waving as well as I could, I quickly got in the house before it got any stranger. The house was quiet when I got in, and the lights were off. I could hear my family around the house, their slight echos creating white noise. It was time to start dinner, and I couldn't wait. 


First, I am so sorry I didn't update sooner! I completely forgot to update, but I will be posting the updates though the day. Secondly, I hope you are all doing well! 

Disclaimer: The picture at the top is NOT MINE! I just thought it is fitting for a notable part of this chapter. 

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