New To Writing

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Are you new to writing on Wattpad? Maybe you're wondering how to get reads or gain followers?  Well, I wish I had the perfect answer but I don't, unfortunately.  If I did I would have more reads and followers myself.  To be honest, I don't think the magic answer exists.  Each and every writer on Wattpad has had a different experience.  The best I can do is tell you my story and offer a little advice.

In 2017 I posted my very first story.  I look back now and feel almost embarrassed, it really wasn't very good.  I wasn't getting reads and absolutely got no encouragement, but I kept writing.  Each story offered me an opportunity to learn and grow.  After about five stories I got some kind of hit on my story titled, Killing Benjamin.

I was on vacation with my family when my notifications when so crazy I had to turn them off.  I got a thousand reads, then ten thousands reads until a few weeks later and my story was at 130k reads. This happened with zero promotion, not even in the writer's forums. What did I do?  I kept writing and realized each time I finished a story my reads would grow. 

I wrote my story titled, The Heir of Regrets, in September of 2019.  By December it hit #1 in Romance and this spring it hit a million reads.  I grew with each story and as I did, my followers grew. 

Most new writers relied on the writers forums to promote their stories, I did not in the beginning but did after I discovered them.  Now they are gone so writers starting today don't have as much of a opportunity to promote. 

I see writers that joined years before me with over a 100k followers and personally, I doubt that would happen for new readers as quickly.  With more works these days to compete against in the algorithm, it's not the same for us as it was them.  I'm not saying it was easier for them, I'm just saying it was different for them.  Just like my experience will be different than your experience.  Just don't look at those writers and let their amount of followers intimidate you or make you think you're not as good as them. It's likely not the case. 

In the following chapter, I will give you my best advice from writing tips to interacting with readers.  Ideas of how to lure readers to your profile and keep them engaged. 

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