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*Giannis' POV*

I walked behind the guys as we went downstairs. I was in the basement once. "Alright," Smiley started, "So it's been told to me that he was giving out the supply we had to randoms and not paying his due."
"Giannis," Joker looked at me, "You are the body guard for my girls but you are also our man alright? Dirty work for home you get it?" he spoke to me in Greek. I nodded in response. "Take care of him," Joker took me into a room and a man was tied up in the room. Joker shut the door behind me. "You know what I mean big man??" Joker asked through the door, "Finish him." Finish him!? I gulped a bit and looked at the guy. "Please! Please dont!!" the man pled. "I dont hear anything!!" Joker yelled. I took a deep breath. "I'm sorry," I whispered. I started to throw punches at the man. He kept pleading for me to stop but I continued. He went to the floor and I kicked him in the head one good time till he stopped moving. "Done," I said. Joker walked in and walked to the man. He felt for a pulse and shook his head. "I know you're new so I'm going to let this go but when I say finish him," he grabbed the bat that was leaning against the wall, "I mean kill him. He hit him over the head and blood went everywhere. I gulped a little bit and nodded. What did I get myself into?! "It wont happen again sir," I told him.
"Better not," Joker walked out, "Boys clean it up."

*Ivette's POV*

I was scrolling through social media when there was a knock at my door. I knew it was Giannis, it was 1AM. I didn't answer though. "I know you're up," I heard. I couldn't avoid him. "Come in," I told him. He walked in and shut the door behind him. He sat next to me. "I'm sorry about earlier,' he told me.
"What was that about??" I looked at him. He sighed, looking away. "I signed up for something I wasn't ready for," he told me. I straddled his lap and turned his head back to me. "What did Papi do to you!?" I looked at him angry. He shook his head. "It's what I did to someone," he told me, "I'm not violent, you know? I have to be though, working for your dad."
"You joined??" I asked.
"I guess," he shrugged, "he pays me so I can't really say no." I sighed, hugging him. "I'm sorry we got you into this mess," I told him. He hugged back. "Don't worry it's okay," he told me. I pulled away and took his hands in mine. I kissed at his bruised knuckles and then looked at him. "Does Papi know what we did?" I asked.
"No," he shook his head, "he has no idea." I nodded and smiled at him. He smiled back at me. "I should get back before we get caught."
"Alright," I pouted at him, "Maybe you could stay for another 5 minutes?"
"Hmm maybe," he smiled, "Why?" I giggled and scooted up on his lap so our chest were pretty much touching. "Cause," I giggled. He smirked at me and put his hands under my shirt, on my hips. I leaned in and kissed him. He kissed back and the kiss got heated quick. He flipped us over in a swift movement, not breaking our kiss up. I moaned a little onto his lips from the movement. He pulled away and stood up smirking. "Sorry babygirl five minutes is up," he winked at me and walked out. Fucker. I grabbed my phone and took a picture of the wet stain on my panties and sent it to Giannis.

Me- See what you do to me??? 😫😖
Giannis- Good, leave it like for me and I'll take care of it when your dad leaves tomorrow.🤤

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