Top Percentage Rattata

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His eyes focused on the ceiling as he listened to his mother's sobs, his father hushing her kindly.

"I'm so scared, John."

"I know, honey. I know."

"I mean, radiation! That's all they can do... And they said I probably wont be the same after."

"It will be okay, honey."

"Will it? After, will I still love you... Will I still love our Joey? What if I hurt someone. And they said I'd forget a lot. What if I forget to go to work? Or to make dinner? I am terrified."

"Time will pass, we'll be here always for you."

With that, Joey was confused but found sleep tugging at him. Dreams begging him to play. That next day, as the kids in his class played with pokemon that traveling trainers brought, he decided something different. The small dark-eyed boy waddled up to his teacher who greeted him with a smile. Smiling back he asked the teacher, "What's a tumor?"

Very flustered, the teacher shooed off the child to play with the class. Though that day when Joey's father approached to pick him up, the teacher stepped in between. "I think we need to speak about something." The kindergarten teacher said very straightly.

Guided back to a room in the elementary school, the adults took their seats across from one another.

"Today during recess, Joey asked me something very odd." The instructor combed back his hair with his fingers, holding eye contact with John Smith.

The father of Joey simply smiled calmly, "Well children do that."

The kindergarten teacher shook his head solemnly. "This was very odd. He asked me: What is a tumor. Is there something, some health problem, going on with Joey that our school was not informed about?" The man rose an eyebrow darkly.

John waited for a moment before letting out a heavy breath. "No. Not with Joey. My wife, Joann, has been diagnosed with cancer. A Malignant tumor in her brain. I was handing off Joey to his mother when the doctor persisted to talk with Joann about treatment. She won't be coming to pick up or drop off Joey much the day after tomorrow. That's when her radiation is going to begin. Best to tell you now, I guess, instead of later."

The teacher, who once was ridged with this parent, relaxed. his eyes swirled with a sympathy, "I am so sorry. I thought something was up... Please, do take care."

The next day passed quickly for Joey, but every second after the first day of his mother's treatment would pass like years. It was the final day his mother would drop him off to his school.

About to run off into the school building, Joey was pulled back. His mother grabbing his arm like a gentle twig that could snap if touched once more. "Joey! Mommy has a present for you!" She laughed, fishing to the bottom of her purse. Joey seemed to be jittery with a giddy joy of receiving a present. "I was going to give you something like this on your tenth birthday, but some complications arose." She spoke with a feigned happiness. She knew she probably would never see her son's tenth birthday. From her bag, she turned out a red and white capsule, placing it into the boy's open hands.

"A-A-A pokemon!" Joey was practically oozing the overwhelming excitement he felt, "Now I will be so po-pop-popular in class!"

"That in there is a Rattata. Now, I know their common," The mother felt a tickle in her stomach, a wafting guilt floating over that she wasn't able to capture her son something more exotic, "But this one is different than any regular Rattata, this one is the top percentage Rattata!"

"Super cool!" The boy who was first crestfallen about having a Rattata was now elated that his was the top percentage. Not even a thanks before skipping off to school, clutching the pokeball close to his heart.

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