The Past

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"Rylee wake up its Christmas!" My younger sister Star shook me excidedly I sat up and glared at her while trying to blow a piece of hair out of my face.

She laughed and dragged me to our  sister Hayley's my twin sisters room, we knocked on the door and waited for 10 seconds max until she opened the door.

Hayley opened the door and smiled , She walked out of her room and closed the door behind her.

I went to go get Roxy our baby sister she's turning 1 in one week, I went into mom and dad's room and picked up Casey from her crib.

Roxy was still tired so she snuggled against me and tried going back to sleep, we all went downstairs talking about the surprise we made for mom and dad.

As we got downstairs we noticed that mom and dad weren't there, I put Casey in her play pen as me, Hayley, And Star were looking around for any notes or letters.

There was nothing , We looked in all the rooms except the closet basement and garage. Hayley checked the basement, Star checked the closets they had a back entrance, I checked the garage.

I walked towards the back door of the kitchen and opened the door, As I walked inside the light bulb flickers off and on

I walk further into the garage I keep looking in back off me......'Something doesn't feel right' I think to myself

As I was going to look behind the shelves I heard Hayley scream, I ran towards her, going straight to the basement.

As I reach the basement stairs I see a red substance leading downstairs, I slowly follow it down the stairs afraid ........ Afraid of what I might find.

As I got to the last step I turned to see Hayley holding a cloth to mom's neck so it would stop bleeding, our mom ....... Chocking on her own blood.

I ran toward her trying hard to find out what happened, "Mommy! What happened?" "T-T-Ta-ak-ke ca-r-re o-of th-e-em th-he-y n-ee-ed y-yo-u".

We watch as she closes her eyes leaving us all alone with Mom and Dad gone we have no one left.

I look at Hayley with teary eyes she looks back at me "call the cops."

A/N:Hey guys! Shy girl here the cliffhanger in this story is really dark and depressing sorry about that.

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