CH 28. A New Defense

Start from the beginning

"So, Which curse shall we see first? Weasley!" He called out.

"Yes?" they both answered at the same time very firmly.

"Uh, You." Moody said and pointed to George. "Give us a curse."

"Well our dad did tell us about The Imperius Curse," George answered, his shoulders tensed, he didn't like this one bit. Neither of them did. Part of me wished we had sat behind them, so I could reach forward and take Fred's hand to try and ease his nerves a bit, but I had to pull myself away from that thought.

"'The Control Curse.' I expect your father would know that one. Gave the Ministry a fair bit of grief some years ago. Allow me to show you why," He said.

Moody turned to a jar with an already decent sized spider in it. He waved his wand over it and made it double in size further. "Imperio," he said over its body and began bouncing the spider from student to student, making some people laugh. It landed on Angelina's hand, which was as close to it as I wanted to be.

"Should I make him dance next? Drown himself?" He asked, and the laughter ended. "A many number of witches and wizards claimed to only do You-Know-Who's bidding while under the influence of the Imperius Curse. The difficulty being: how do you sort out the liars?" He asked and returned the spider to his hand and became excited. "The next one, anyone!"

"The Cruciatus Curse, sir," Adrian Pucey answered. He was a Slytherin I'd never spoken to much, but he was one of the few players on the quidditch team that didn't play dirty according to Harry. Part of me wanted to believe that of course any Slytherin would know these curses, but the other part wouldn't dare.

"Pucey right? Correct, very good," Moody praised him. As if that should be something that deserves praise. "Otherwise known as 'The Torture Curse'. 'Crucio'" he said to the spider.

It began twitching and trembling violently. Crying out in a little squeal, not able to bear the pain. Meanwhile Moody just stood, eyes fixed on his victim. I held my breath, not daring to breathe and add air to the room. After what felt like the longest minute to be endured Alicia slammed her fist on the desk.

"Stop! Stop it! It's had enough," she shouted.

After another moment Moody drooped his wand, and the cries stopped. The room once again falling silent. It was absolute torture, just like that curse. Moody cleared his throat and walked to stand in front of Alicia, who was sitting next to Lee, just in front of the twins.

"Perhaps you could give us the last curse, Miss Spinnet?" Moody asked her, but she answered with a simple "No."

"Pity," Moody said. "Avada Kedavra!" He shouted and a bright flash of green light flew from his wand. The kind of color I could only compare to the color of my eyes. And then the next moment, the spider went limp. It was dead. My eyes quickly clouded, seeing that night in Godric's Hollow all over again, seeing my mother, and then as fast as I was a thousand years away, I was back.

"The Killing Curse. Only two people are known to have survived it. One of whom is sitting in this room," Moody said and moved in front of my desk to tower over me. I looked up at him to catch him studying me. I felt different, not the normal shift I was getting from my visions, no, this one felt snake like. Almost as if I were ready to fire a curse at him. I blink my eyes rapidly to push it away and returned my gaze to the dead spider. Only to catch the eyes of my classmates that were all staring at me. All wondering how Harry and I had survived.

He knows too much...

"That'll be all today, Class dismissed," Moody said, to which I gladly picked up my books and left.

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