A Perfect Christmas! (Or Not!)

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A/N: Hello my cheesecicles! So let me just explain something so you guys don't get confused! In this book, Leo is like Elsa, Mikey is like Olaf, Raph is like Sven, Donnie is like Kristoff and Splinter is...well, like Elsa and Anna's father! And this is tmnt but will be based off of Frozen! Thanks to mandylaren23 for the awesome idea!

Also, this is a Christmas story!

Also, this is gonna be LONG so get comfortable!


It was the night before Christmas and all through the lair, not a creature was stirring, not even one with hair. The family was nestled all safe and warm, happy to avoid the harsh winter storm.

The four brothers slept soundly, calm and tranquil. Their father, Master Splinter, slept on his wheel. The night was cold, but their home was warm. They had missed the long chill of a storm.

They all slept soundly....

Or, they were supposed to be sleeping.

Leo was wide awake. He was thinking deeply as he stared at the ceiling. Every year, they spent Christmas in the sewers, but this year, Leo wanted to do something different.

Then, he had an idea. The blue-masked terrapin smiled to himself as he went back to sleep. This is going to be the best Christmas ever! He thought to himself as he drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, Leo was up before everyone else.

(A/N: Hey sorry to interrupt! I just want to let you guys know that Leo has ice powers in this story! Read on!)

Leo snuck around the lair. He had been born with ice powers. Ever since his mother died in a shipwreck years ago and his father was injured, Leo has been overprotective of his brothers.

Leo loved his brothers and father. Even though he was the only one of them with ice powers, his family still loved and accepted him.

Every Christmas, the family would stay in the sewers. They could not go out for obvious reasons. They also could not survive the cold weather.

"The cold never bothered me anyway~!" Leo grinned to himself. Sure, he was cold-blooded but he had ice powers! The cold didn't bother him!


So he thought...

Leo had planned something amazing and just knew his father and brothers would love it. All he had to do was wait till they woke up.

Several hours later, the rest of the family woke up. They were surprised to see Leo already up, waiting for them with something behind him.

"Leonardo?" Splinter spoke up suddenly, making Leo jump in surprise. "Oh, morning father! Are the others up yet?" Leo asked cheerily.

Splinter nodded. "Yes, they will be here in a moment...what are you doing, my son?" He eyed the strange looking contraption that was covered by a tarp behind his eldest son.

"Oh, you'll see! I want to show the others too, I know they'll love it!" Leo smiled simply. At that moment, the rest of the brothers entered the lair.

"Hey bro!" Mikey smiled. "What's that?" He pointed at the hidden surprise. "You'll find out in a minute Mikey, sit down, I have something to say first." Leo announced.

The family sat down, allowing Leo to speak. "Every year we spend Christmas hidden away in the sewers, well this year I want to do something different!" Leo said proudly.

"Like what?" Mikey asked. "Going topside! And heading out to the snow, it'll be awesome!" Leo said excitedly.

The others blinked. "Uh Leo, ya know we can't leave the sewers, people would freak out if they saw us, and your ice powers." Raph pointed out.

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