Chapter 1

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A flock of ravens fly off as I approach them, lost in thought. It was about 6:37 pm at that time and I had been wandering for a while, I hadnt had the best day after all. But who could blame me? I had just found out I was immortal. Haha you're probably confused about that, I apologize, let me take you back to the beginning. My name is Zack, I live in foster care and have always been an outcast. My parents died when I was growing up, just to kinda set the scene for you.

My alarm goes off as it always did at this time, a loud ringing filled the quiet air at 8:20 in the morning. Groaning in distaste, I opened my eyes and immediately regretted it, the sun glaring straight at me, blinding me for a second. I hear children screaming outside and move to the window slowly looking out, I see a couple of school kids goofing off in the playground outside the orphanage. "Another day, huh?" I say quietly as I put on a dark red tanktop and head to the bathroom. Looking in the mirror I realize I am nothing to be proud of, with unkempt hair, a short and stubby face, and a round stomach, frowning at myself I attempt to tame my hair with a comb. "Come on you stupid hair, work with me for once!!" I growl as my hair fights me. "Oh forget it." I say blandly as I put the comb down in exchange for a toothbrush and some paste. As im brushing my teeth I hear a soft knock on the door. "Its open." I call out. The door opens to reveal Sister Alana, with a tray of food. "Zack, I dont know if youre hungry but I brought you breakfast if you want it." She said with a kind smile. "Thank you Alana" I smile back as she leaves the room.

(Author Note: will continue this as time passes but for now this is the beginning. This isnt the end of the first chapter so dont worry.)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2020 ⏰

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