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         The next few weeks, Iwaizumi visits, bringing news about the team and movies to watch on his computer. My head has healed mostly and I can move my fingers better than on the day I woke up.

I'm watching a movie, my head on Iwaizumi's shoulder, when Dr. Kulima and my mom come in.

"Good news! You can go home tomorrow!" Dr. Kulima raises his fists in the air.

"Really?" I sit up and position myself so my stomach doesn't pinch.

"Yes! Yes! Over the last couple of days, your records have shown major improvement! Your leg bones that shattered, have started to repair and your arms are mending well. Your concussion is almost gone, but when you leave the hospital you will feel dizzy getting up. Other than the few trips I've allowed you to take each day with your mother or Mr. Iwaizumi around the hospital grounds, you haven't moved a lot. So, walking more will be a problem. So, a wheelchair will be required. Once you've rested for a little while at home, you'll be coming back here for daily physical therapy. The only problem is your stomach injury. It's healing, but very slowly. You've been great during the time you've been here. I've never had a patient as dedicated as you to moving. Usually, most teenagers wouldn't want to move except to go to the bathroom. Honestly, I wouldn't move either if I had as bad of injuries as you do."

I squeeze Iwaizumi's hand underneath the blanket. I wouldn't be trying so hard if it wasn't for the conversation we had on that Sunday.

"So, actually going to school is a far away moment, and walking by yourself is just as far. You'll have a wheelchair boot. Your arms will be in casts, and your entire torso will be wrapped. Kind of what you do now, just at home. The only reason I'm actually allowing you to go home this early is because your mother here is very pushy," He laughs. "But I'm also very proud that you don't need a wheelchair. Just remember that if anything happens, we'll be here to help you out again. So be careful, and I'll discharge you tomorrow," He waves goodbye and exits the room.

Mom does a very slight jump of joy before she joins us on the bed.

"Tooru, I'm-I can't put the joy I'm feeling into words. You'll finally be back at home where you belong," She sighs and smiles. "You not sleeping at home has worried your father and I very much. I know he's not been here yet, but he'll be overjoyed to know that you'll be coming home. I also think that Mela will come home with Takeru. They've been out of town, so that's why they haven't visited."

"Okay. Do you know what time they'll be over?"

"I think Mela will arrive before you come home, so around ten tomorrow morning."

"Cool," I yawn. "Well, I'm pretty tired, so I think I'm going to sleep, if that's okay with you?"

Mom checks her watch, "Oh! It's already nine! I better get back, your father's probably home now. . ." She stands up, smiles, and uses her acrylic nail to place a hair behind my ear. "I love you Tooru, do not forget that. I'll bring clothes for you tomorrow, and since it's a Saturday, Iwaizumi will be here to help too, right?" She gives him a look

"Of course."

"Okay!" She claps her hands. "I'll see you too tomorrow! Love you, Tooru!"

"Love you too, Mom."

She floats me a kiss and quietly closes the door.

I look at Iwaizumi, "I wish we could finish the movie, but I'm too tired."

"That's okay," He exits out of the website and closes his computer. "I'm pretty tired myself. Long day tomorrow, you need rest," He stuffs the computer into his bag and zips it up.

"Long day? Aren't I just going from hospital bed to couch, since my sister and nephew's going to be here?"

He stands up and crosses the room, slinging his backpack on his shoulder, "Sure."

I sit up farther in bed, scooting closer to the end of the bed. "Iwa-chan? What aren't you telling me?"

His right eye peers at me from the door, "Goodnight, Crappykawa."

"Iwa-chan!" The door closes before my words meet his ears. I smile and shake my head.      

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