opening night

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Nancy: pedro chop chop you don't wanna be late for you shift come on baby.
Pedro: yes master, it's just that these tights are too tight.
Nancy: well they are tights, come on papi your first shift should be easy!

Pedro was new to the job. Nancy opened up this pink maid cafe two years ago and it's highly popular, because there's a lot of horny men and cat women. Pedro loved validation and Nancy loved Pedro. She's always had a lot of good employees, but Pedro was the best in her eyes. Pedro was a skinny asian boy with a skater boy style and he looked like a vampire because of his fangs.

Klaus: Master you might wanna get the tables ready, we should be opening soon.
Nancy: I'm so excited!!! We haven't been open in months because of Covid 19.
Pedro: Yes master !
Jacqui: I should get the stage ready master and the cat room.
Nancy: Yes thank you sugar baby.

the maid cafeDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora