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"That's what I'm talking about" Luke says with a grin as they step out the back of the Orpheum and he throws his arm around Ophelias shoulder and pulls her into him but she pushes him off

"Ew, youre all sweaty" She whines

"The smell of Sunset Boulevard?" Alex asks sarcastically as he grins over at luke and Ophelia

"or the smell of all the air pollution? Or maybe even Lukey Charms' Body Odour" Opheli chimes in and then sticks her tounge out at the male lead singer

"No" Luke says to them both with a grin and then punches them playfully in the shoulder

"Abuse" the girl called out with a giggle which caused Luke to turn to her with a smile, enjoying the sound of her giggling

"its what that girl said in there tonight, about our music alright. Its like an energy." Luke explains to them

"Okay Master Obi Wan" Ophelia says with a grin

Luke rolled her eyes at her "You and Reggie really need to loose the star wars obsession" Luke says and then goes back to what he was saying before "It connects us with people, they can feel us when we play"

"that's what she said" Ophelia muttered out and Reggie laughed while Alex gave her a disgusted look which only made her grin at him

"I want that connection with everybody" Luke says and pulls the two boys and the girl into a shoulder hug

"then we are gonna need more t-shirts" Reggie tells him with a grin

"and maybe a better material for the t-shirts cause the stuff that we are using now is crap" Ophelia adds and pulls a digusted face as she lookd down at the pile of shirts in Reggies hand and Alex nods his head in agreeance

"Lets go lady and boys" Luke said with a grin and the girl rolled her eyes at him with a smile. Luke and Ophelia both throw their hoods up over their heads before they pass fans, Ophelia was wearing one of Lukes sleeveless hoodies and he loved it on her


Ophelia cringed slightly as she finished making her street dog and looked down at the filthy car that they were standing over "well im sure that this is hygienic"

Ophelia grins as she watched Alex spill a bit of pickle juice on the car

"man, I cant wait until we eat someplace where the condiments aren't served out the back of an Oldsmobile" Alex says, agreeing with the girl that this was not the ideal situation

"hey, sorry, I got some pickle juice on your battery cables" Alex says to the man who was cooking the sausages

"no problem, it'll help with the rust" the man says with a grin which makes Alex and Ophelia give each other a look to ask if the man was serious and then they look at the man in distaste

"yeah okay I don't think... that cant" Alex and Ophelia both mutter out before deciding not to continue the conversation

"Is it just me or is that something that Reggie would say" Ophelia said with a grin as they went to sit down on a couch around the corner

"hey" Reggie said with a pout while the others laughed

"Its true tho bro" Luke says with a grin

Reggie sits down first on the end of the couch then Alex sits next to him, then Ophelia sits next to him and luke sits down next to her on the other end of the couch so Ophelia was squished between Alex and Luke

"this is awesome you guys" Luke says with a grin

"Dude stop saying that or your gonna jinx it" Ophelia says to the boy with a grin and lifts her leg up and rests it over Lukes knee and he wraps his arm around the back of her shoulder pulling her towards him.

"we're playing the Orpheum. I cant even count how many bands have played there and then ended up being huge" Luke says, ignoring the girls words "we're going to be legends" Luke holds his street dog into the air "Eat up guys, cause after tonight, everything changes"

They all bring their street dogs together and tap them in toast and then pull them back to themselves and take a bite

Ophelia leaned further into Luke as she took a bite out of her street dog and she immediately tasted something different about it and she was glad to know that she wasn't the only one

"that's a new flavour" Alex mutters out, his mouth still full of food

"chill man, street dogs haven't killed us yet" Reggie says with a grin

Ophelia leans forward to look at Reggie and says "im surprised they haven't killed us from making us obese" and then leans back down on the couch "I agree with Alex" Ophelia muttered out as she began to feel sick to the stomach and then everything went black


"I cant believe we died eating freaking Hot dogs" the girl growled under her breath as she looked around at her bandmates as they were sat in what seemed to be a dark room

"Street dogs" Reggie corrects her with a grin but he stops when he sees the sharp glare that he was getting from the rest of the bandmates

"and of course it was on our one big night, we will never get to play at the Orpheum" Luke says angrily, the girl places her hand on his arm to calm him down to which he sends her a small, grateful smile

"I always knew that I wanted to die with you but I never thought that it would be this soon" Luke says softly to the girl and while he smiled, she could tell just how upset the boy really was. Luke had never said anything like that to her before and while neither of them said anything about it, they knew that they were extremely important to the other

Ophelia and wrapped her arms around his waist and pulled him into her, his face immediately burying itself into her neck. She ran her fingers through his dark locks with her right hand and she tried not to move as she felt his warm breath tickle her neck

"I cant believe were dead, I never even got to say goodbye to my parents," Alex said as he slid down the wall and started to cry

"Ill be back okay" Ophelia whispers softly to the boy that she was hugging and kisses him on the side of the head and he nods his head, knowing that Alex needed her comfort more than he did, out of all of the guys, Alex was the most sensitive and emotional

Ophelia made her way over to Alex and sat down next to him. He looked up at her for a moment and didn't say anything but then he fell into her arms and began crying again as she held him

"Its gonna be okay Alex" She whispered to him even though she was almost certain that it wasn't. They were dead at the age of 17 and they had died on what was going to be one of the biggest nights of their lives. Ophelia began to think about her parents, they probably didn't even care that she was dead, infact they probably didn't know. When she was 15 and told her parents that her and her friends planned to make their dreams of becoming a world known band a real thing they had laughed at her, mocked her, cursed her and told her how it was impossible, after all how could someone love someone like her. She was useless and had no talent. She hardly even talked to her parents after that, and she knew that the boys homes situations weren't great either.

Ophelia looked up at Luke who was pacing around slightly but he had caught her looking at him and he already knew that she was thinking the exact same thing that he was, 'what was going to happen to them next?'

They didn't know how long they were sitting there for but over the course of time that they were, Alex was still crying while Ophelia held him and both Reggie and Luke had made their way over to her too, Reggie sitting next to her and resting his head on her shoulder and Luke sitting between her legs and resting his head on her chest as she held them all, like she was the glue and they were a broken object that needed each other to feel complete.

Suddenly the room started echoing with their music, what was happening. Alex stopped crying and they all quickly stood up in confusion and then suddenly they all disappeared from the room

We're they going to heaven?

Just Bandmates? - Julie and the PhantomsWhere stories live. Discover now