Twenty two

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Y/n POV:

We finally stopped walking the halls once we arrived to a room. The guard opened the door and clothes were everywhere. It was a huge closet.

"The boss said you guys need to change into appropriate clothes, then you need to train." The guard told us as he pointed to the clothes that were laying over the dressers. The clothes they picked out were ugly they were grey t-shirts with leggings and a pair of boots. Mine had a flannel to go over it. And Finn had a pair of jeans instead of leggings.

"Train for what?" Finn asked confused.

"I'm not allowed to say." The guard said as he closed the door so me and Finn could change. Finn and I exchanged confused looks.

We each turned around so we weren't facing each other and we got dressed. The outfit was pretty comfy, but I was confused. How were we training? And why?

"I'm gonna knock on the door." Finn told me as he went to the door and knocked. The guard opened the door.

"Good your dressed now follow me." The guard told us as he directed me and Finn down the hall.

The room he took us to had big double doors. The room looked a bit like a gymnasium, but it had a trampoline in the middle of the floor. There were dif dent station areas. One where you could throw axes. Another where you threw knifes. A place to learn how to fire a gun. I looked around at all the stations.

"Go train." The guard instructed us as he left the room. This time he didn't guard the doors. It was just me and Finn in this big room. We looked at each other  and exchanged looks.

"Now what?" I asked Finn. He shook his head.

"I don't know." He then looked up and looked around the room. "Hmm. No cameras in here." He smiled.

"What does that mean?" I questioned.

"It means we're not being watched. Quick go grab a knife and put it in your flannel pocket. I'll grab a pistol and hud it in my boot. I nodded to him and rushed over to grab a knife. I hid it in my pocket then Finn grabbed a gun and put it in his boot.

"Do you think they really want to protect us?" I asked Finn hooding for an honest answer.

"I don't know....I don't trust them. And I think it's a mistake to not try to leave." Finn told me. He was being honest, but he was hiding something I could tell.

"Finn? What happened to you while I was locked in that room not eating?" I asked Finn. He seamed to zone out for a moment. Then he shook his head.

"Come one let's go while we still can." Finn instructed me. I nodded then I followed him out of the big double doors!

Author note: well I hope you enjoy this book! I can't wait to write more! I love you! -Ry💕

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