chapter 13

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No one POV

Everyone was of course sad of the death of their late friend but since he was never open about his feelings and closed off they weren't too sad since they never had great memories with the guy. they eventually moved on living their lives'knowing things will get better. they took a break from the gang stuff but at the same time didn't. they still did some shady shit but nothing too heavy since they felt a wave of accomplishment after defeating dream. yerim and hyejoo slowly started to trust yeojin and hyejoo and chaewon's relationship was better than ever. everyone was shocked about the two getting together but then started to care less.(we love a supportive yet judgmental school) but after a month they had to get back on track since they couldn't go under the radar like that. so now here we are chan and jungeun(she gives me mom vibes at times) trying to calm everyone down to have a discussion about a very important topic

Jungeun POV

"Guys please fucking calm down oh my god" I said and then an idea popped into my head. "I swear to god if you guys don't shut up right now I will throw away all the socks." "but you already do that." the triplets said. "ok well imma just start." chan said finally getting everyones attention. "well that worked better than I thought." he said finally starting the meeting. "as you see we are thinking of adding hyunjin to the gang. all in favor say 'I'." "I" everyone said. "well this took a lot shorter than I thought. well then it's official hyunjin welcome to the team." I said and everyone got happy. we then carried on with our day. jinsoul and I decided to take a walk and just have a great time. "ok you can't tell me azula is the best looking character on avatar the last Airbender." "no its suki! have you looked at her???" I said with my eyebrows raised. "I think we can all agree that asami is god tier visuals in legend of Korea." "trueeee." I said. of course we got stares but that didn't matter. we continued to bicker about small things and have a great time. as we soon came home we immediately regretted it.

Yeojin POV

Once the lipsoul couple left, all hell broke loose. the triplets, heejin, and i just started causing mayhem. we thought it would be a good idea to try to cook food with what little we had. chan tried to stop us but he couldn't. sooyoung invited jiwoo over and she brought over seungmin and chaewon. knowing her for as long as I have made me know chanson sucks at cooking so she decided to join us. Minho and jisung were off dealing drugs or something like that  and hyunjin and seungmin were making out in a corner. changbin was most likely pickpocketing some rich people and pawning it. sooyoung and jiwoo  ended up joining us in the kitchen and stressing chan out even more. once lipsould came in the kitchen was on fire, people were sneaking in,(Minho and jisung) seungjin were still making out, hyejoo and hyunjin decided to dye yerim's hair red and dye heejin's hair pink,(they haven't done that yet and I think it would look amazing. also for herein its the under part of her hair.) I have no clue where everyone else is. oh and chan is trying to put out the fire. "you guys are fun to hang around with. I think imma come over more often" jiwoo said with a bright smile. "ooo also can you do me next! I want coral red hair!(or whatever color that is in her hair in hi high/butterfly)" jiwoo said. "but won't your parents kill you?" chaewon said. "yeah but who cares?" jiwoo replied "I think chuu would make a good edition to the team." sooyoung said to chan and I since we were near her, "yeah she used to take tae kwon do so she can fight very well." I said. all was chaotic in the gang house until people had to go home. things will no longer be chaotic until next time we hang out and hopefully the others will be here.

ok so as I finished writing this it is an hour and a half until the loona comeback and I am fucking excited!!!  anyways I hope you enjoyed and are having a great day, night, or whatever it is for you! bye bye for now! Also happy birthday to our lovely visual Heejin!!!!! I will make a chapter dedicated to her soon dw!

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