My life is perfect! I am happily married to my husband of 20 years. We have a beautiful family together consisting of 4 children and one on the way. I love my children to death but I feel like I annoy them. My eldest son AJ seems to always be bothered by me. I think it's just him being a teen and being moody. My daughter Jisoo seems bothered by me also. I know she's close to her brother so that's probably why she's upset with me. I didn't mean to harm AJ. It just happened. I have no idea how...but it did. My husband Agust was upset. But it isn't my fault. I don't remember what happened. I just remember blacking out. When I came back to my senses I remembered being in pain. I have a feeling I must've been hurt. But if I was I wouldn't remember. I'm sorry AJ. I wanted to be a perfect mother for you but it turns out I am not. Why do you not like me as must as you like your father? Why are you poisoning your siblings with bad images of me? Good parents discipline their children right? Why is it such a big deal when I discipline mine?

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