Part 9 - Silent Scream

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The team sat in silence, worried if one of them speaks, they'll all blow over. Hotch tried to stay calm, but he was once again turning his fear into anger which was never good. JJ and Emily bounced their legs and picked at their fingers while they looked outside. Morgan held Garcia's hand because she was already crying, and Reid was blank as if he was unaware how to express them. Rossi kept an eye on everyone and made sure they didn't need anything.

Once the jet landed, Hotch was the first one up and out into his car and he sped past. Luckily you lived out of the city so he didn't exactly have to get stuck in traffic. The rest of the team looked at one another, "think she's really gone?" JJ asked.

"She's strong enough to fight back, right?" Reid swallowed hard and Morgan rubbed his shoulder before they left and met Hotch at your house. Hotch was busy looking around the house which your door was opened and noticed a note on the front door, he ripped it off and looked the handwriting. "Hotch, this is practically a crime scene you can't just-"

"Give this to Garcia then put it on the board, we're going on another case."

You woke up and groaned at the intense headache you had, you opened your eyes but closed them when the bright light stabbed your retinas. You let your eyes adjust before you stood up, or tried; you got to your knees before you realized you were chained to a cold wall by both ankles and wrists. Your ankles were a bit more flexible but your wrists were barely two feet from the wall. "Hello?!" You called out like a dumb ass in a horror movie, "let me out your bastard!" you thrashed against the chains and only found them to dig into your skin. 

Looking around the room your heart dropped, it was a room with toys on the walls. It was his red room, your breathing quickened and you just started screaming until your throat ripped in hopes someone would hear. "I would quit that if I were you, kitten. No one can hear you for miles, at least not until I turn on the cameras." A man walked into the room and pointed to the two cameras on each side of the room, and it gave you relief. You were besties with the best hacker in the world, if there are websites watching you she's sure to find you. You just hoped it was quick.

"F-Fuck you, bastard." You stuttered and, as you expected, he slapped you. The slap was nothing compared to what you endured throughout your life. You were an FBI agent for heavens sakes.

"You will address me as sir or master, understood?" He rolled up his sleeves with a smug grin you wanted to shoot off. You looked at him like he was crazy, which he was. You would only call Aaron that, and only Aaron.

"Go to hell." You denied through gritted teeth.

"I guess you'll learn the hard way. Let's get started with a little bit of fun branding." The man said and grabbed a metal pole, your heart dropping and face contorting into fear.


3 Months Later

"No one can hear you scream but them!" 

"Fuck you!" You screamed back, which only got you another whip and another scream from your tired scratchy throat. He'd move to your front sooner or later after he was satisfied that your back was bloody enough, or you stopped your behaviors; frankly, your breasts were more sensitive than your back and bottom. You panted and let your head hang low as you felt your arms get even more tired from being up and chained to a ceiling for the past two hours. It was silent, nothing but your pants were loud enough for you to hear. 

Over the weeks, you had profiled Jasper quite a bit. You came to the conclusion to just do what he wants, and maybe gain his trust; he was someone who had been betrayed one too many times and that's what set him off, so maybe if you just listened and did as you were told he would be more was a sacrifice you were willing to make. Jasper indeed ran a website where he did videos live and gained money, especially if you were being punished. He had only just started considering bringing people in, but he was also possessive so he was hesitant on that...thank God...

"You done, slut?" Jasper spat and you barely nodded, hoping it was done. He gave you three more lashes before you were taken down and put on the bed, you had luckily gained his trust a little to let you earn the bed; you weren't constantly snapping at him because it was no use, you just accidentally let it slip this morning while you were doing dishes and he wasn't pleased.

"Y/N, doll. I've been thinking, maybe bringing others into our times. Wouldn't that be fun?"

"Whoopdee-doo...ass..." You mumbled under your breath.

"Excuse me?" Your head looked up at Jasper and realized he heard you, he stood up and his expression changed, "basement, now."

"But sir-"

"Now!" His voice boomed and you jumped, walking to the door to the basement and wiped away your tears as you walked down the stairs.

"Did you learn?" 

"Y-yes sir..I'm sorry for disrespecting you." You let words other than shut up leave your mouth, you didn't lay on your back in fear of blood traveling to the sheets. Thankfully you were still in a bra and panties, unfortunately they were white. Jasper nodded and kissed your forehead before leaving and locking you in and you let your tears fall, forgetting he had yet to turn off the cameras and end the stream because the controls were upstairs.

"Garcia turn it off." Hotch said in a cold tone, he drowned out your screams while the scene went on. The eventually found the website after a month or two, and Hotch still couldn't stand the sight of you like that. "Track the website, give me the address." JJ ended up excusing herself before she vomited on everyone, Emily's eyes were frozen to the screen in fear, Morgan and Reid tried their best to focus on the unsub, Rossi was pacing like a maniac refusing to watch it at all. Rossi saw you as his daughter, especially since you had no father figure in your own life. No matter how many times they watched you and profiled Jasper, the sight made them sick.

"I can't just yet. It's blocked and includes a pass code. Sir I'm so sorry," Garcia whispered through threatening tears.

"Damn it..." Morgan whispered under his breath, "damn it!" he soon slammed the notes in his hands down and left to cool down, Reid gulped and looked around anxiously. He no longer had you to rub his wrist or reassure him, or remind him to breathe. Morgan no longer had you to yell at him for his temper. Garcia no longer had you to reassure her she was doing amazing and helping out either way. JJ and Emily didn't have their best friend to go out to bars with.

And Hotch didn't have you period.

"Get it to me as soon as you can, Garcia." Hotch spoke before leaving, ever since you left he's been working day and night to find you. He showed no emotion, he didn't do that most times but he had closed himself off completely this time. Garcia had gone over to Morgan's to have a breakdown at least a few times since she felt it's her fault she couldn't find you, which Morgan told her a million times again it wasn't. 

They all agreed they wouldn't refer to you as a victim, and every time another member called you that they corrected them with your name. Hotch still regretted how you two ended on a bad mark. The thought constantly ran through his head: what if she doesn't make it and the last conversation we had was her calling it off and me blowing things out of proportion.

This case was their worst one yet, and one of their worst nightmares. Their own family member being a victim. 

♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣

These chapters are getting choppy and bad, apologies

chapter 9/12!

Don't forget to comment and vote and I'll see you in the next chapter, love you!

~ Brook ❤

The Agents Submissive // Aaron HotchnerWhere stories live. Discover now