Chapter 44

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Sydney heard knocking on the front door. "It's 6am. Who could be here this early?" she thought to herself as she walked to the door. She looked out the peephole and saw that it was Aviva. Sydney opened the door to let her in. "Sorry for the disturbance. I'm here for Dyl." Aviva said softly. Sydney pointed upstairs. Aviva went upstairs and knocked on Dyl's door. Dyl turned over. "Who .. Who is it?" Dyl asked while yawning. "It's me Aviva. It's time for your first day at the academy!" she said firmly. "Oof! I'm coming!" Dyl said. He sprang up out of his bed and began getting dressed rapidly. He rushed past Aviva and went into the bathroom. He brushed his teeth and combed his hair. "I'll be waiting for you outside. Please hurry." Aviva said as she went back downstairs. Dyl packed his book bag and ran downstairs. His mom had left muffins and a note on the table. "I hope you enjoy this school more than the last one. I wish you the best and I love you!" Dyl smiled as he grabbed a muffin and went out the door.

The cool morning air blew into Dyl's face. He hopped in the backseat of the Force Truck. Jay and Fuji were already inside. "Good morning bro. I hope you slept well." Jay said from the front seat. "I was out cold." Dyl said. He looked over at Fuji and saw that he was sleeping. Dyl looked out the window as they got closer to the academy. There was a huge stadium and some tall buildings with glass windows. Dyl shook Fuji. "Wha- Huh!? What's going on?" Fuji asked. "We are almost there bird brains." Jay said. Aviva parked at a large building that was near the stadium. "This is the Sho Force Academy. The rules and instruction will be different than usual since a war will start soon. Train hard. Be patient. Be smart, and most importantly be careful." Aviva said before they got out of the Force Truck. Dyl felt like a new chapter was beginning as the front doors of the building automatically opened in front of them.

When they entered the building there were teenagers and adults roaming the buildings. They all had on uniforms and they seemed to all be heading in the same direction. "Why does it look like they are all going to one class? I'm sure there's more than one classroom in this huge building right?" Dyl asked. "You will see.. but first let's hurry and get you guys your uniforms." Aviva said. She led the boys to a nearby dressing room. Inside the room the boys seen uniforms in different sizes stacked on shelves. "This is so cool! I bet these pants make the girls look extra extra thick!" Fuji said excitedly. "Calm down dude. Are you really going to be a pervert on the first day?" Jay asked. They both laughed. "Hey guys.. does it feel weird to you? It's like I can feel tension in the air but I don't know why.." Dyl said. "Hurry up and get dressed before it starts!" Aviva said. They put on their uniforms and followed her in the direction that everyone else was going in. Dyl looked across the hall and saw Aiden following Lynn. Marcus was right behind them. They walked through huge double doors and Dyl looked around. They were in a huge gymnasium. Aviva led them to some huge bleachers and they sat near Lynn, Aiden, Marcus, and Yuri. "What's going on?" Dyl whispered. "I have no clue but I'm kind of excited." Jay whispered back. "Please have cheerleaders! Please have cheerleaders! Please hav-" Fuji was interrupted by Aviva shushing him. "It's starting." she said. All of the doors closed. The lights dimmed. A single spotlight was pointed at the stage that was in the middle of the gym. Smoke filled the stage and a man appeared with a microphone. "I have an important announcement to make .. School is cancelled." Shizz said firmly. The whole crowd gasped.

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