Hitsūna ai

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Love Pass Disease.

Cause: unknown (mostly because i am not done with the causes yet and part of its a secret)

Effect: the victims body slowly starts having hearts both regular and broken appear till up to millions are in a patch. The victim also starts coughing out blood. The victim will start to violently go into flashbacks, hear things they want to forget from pasts traumas, and have random breakdowns were anything they say becomes none understandable. It is unknown if the victim will die from it or not as the last person with it ended up going insane and committing suicide before they could figure out. The blood coughing is cause by the heart literally starting to shatter, getting worse with each break. The victim starts refusing to do things someone they care about trys to do around them because the loved one said something about it, they think they said something about it, or a previous person said it and it's getting mixed in their brain on who said what. Victim may somethings go into a mindless state.

Cure: unknown (I don't have it done fully yet)

Weird facts about Hitsūna ai:

If the victim is in a relationship their partner(s) instantly grow an immunity to it regardless of the victims survival. Immunity has potential to spread to generation.

Victims partner(s) won't be able to catch it after victim does.

It is not contagious.

The disease will blocked out any other love disease the victim does have or risks having. Such as Hanahaki Disease and many others.

The hearts are not able to be covered by concealer or other make up protects.

If the victim blocks the hearts for to long they start acheing, glowing, and even itching.

The disease is considered uncommon because only 3 known cases exsist. Including the first one dying due to suicide.

The 2nd person to catch Hitsūna ai ran away and was found dead, rabidly bleeding from the mouth. Their heart wasn't able to be found though no noticeable wounds we're on the corpse.

The 3rd is still alive and has their 'illness' rarely known even though the hearts on them have spread more on noticible spaces then hidden like others.

The little hearts won't cover the entire body only some patches.

Each victim so far has chosen to not tell their partner(s), family, or friends when asked. All they said was "no." And blankly stared. As if they never had a choice then went back to whatever they were doing. Ignoring what had happened.

It is possible for a flower to start growing around the lower leg of the victim. However, it's unknown what it does.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2020 ⏰

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