Chapter One

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The words left in a blur, filling his ears at a pace his brain couldn't keep up with. The endless confession dragging on much longer than needed, but none of the information would process. Each word that slipped from Annie's tongue might as well have been in a foreign language, falling from her lips in a haste. It was simple enough, the words were dull and hurtful, his brain not wanting to soak in the truth. Blocking his knowledge from receiving the information, building a wall around his being for protection, over the unbarring information that was being tossed at him. Each minute that passed by was a century in his mind, each word that was spoken seemed to be laced in poison, each thought that crossed his mind sent waves of pain throughout his whole body; ringing within his spine. Hitting the one place without a shield; his heart. Triggering the stomach to knot up and bundle together; twist and turn, churn and ache. As if millions of tiny butterflies were fluttering among his stomach walls, beating against the soft organ; making his lunch wanted to come up. It was unbelievable, impossible. It was nothing but a mere lie; or so he told himself.

Yet, the stern painful look plastered on the blonde female's features told him enough, she wasn't making anything up. After the years of being friends with the small woman he learned how to read her expressions, able to detect when something seemed off. All his senses were tingling. She spoke like she never has before. A caring soft tone drenching the words she spoke, trying to give off the information in a gentle way; something she never cared to do. Head hung, staring directly at the ground, probably shocked herself or unable to watch his reaction. Smart choice, since Bertholdt wasn't aware of the tears streaming down his own cheeks; unable to feel the warm waters stain his sun kissed skin. Only able to listen as his close friend told him knowledge that effected much, staring down at her pitiful state. The cracking of her voice, the stuttering and soft tone. It was nothing like the girl he knew, but with the words she spat it was no surprise even someone as collected as her could break down.

"Bertholdt, I'm sorry. I know you and Reiner have been together since a young age. I was there, too. I remember when we all were little, best friends forever, or so we said. I can still remember when you confessed to each other, I have to admit, it was cute. I'm so sorry. I- I just, can't let this happen... Any longer. I can't sit here and watch as Reiner does this to you, as I hurt you. I'm sorry, but..." Her sentence stopped, probably all train of thought as well. From where it was going already, it seemed this wasn't all the pain shipping his way. Catching a glance of the petite girl, biting into her bottom lip, arms fiddling behind her back. "I can't stand by as... Reiner fools around with people- someone! Eh, Bertholdt, Reiner has been cheating on you... with someone, for a while now..."

That was all it took; for Bertholdt to snap. Unable to keep his mind from wondering, frolicking in the field of the unknown. Each question that passed through only ached his heart even more. Left to wonder what he did wrong, and why. So many questions, without a single answer. The tears that were already streaming started to fall in a greater number, rolling down red irritated flesh. Passing dried up moist skin, creating more red marks. The male couldn't control his body, feeling all his muscles tense up, stiff as a rock. Standing still, emerald orbs staring into nothing but space. Scenes playing through his mind, of Reiner with another; it only may the butterflies in his stomach fly around more.

Without letting another word be said, he took his leave, not wanting anyone to see him in such a pitiful state. They'd probably judge, and that's the last thing he wanted, to feel any eyes on him. His disgusting body, hideous and fragile. Tall and skinny, what a horrid curse, no wonder Reiner would leave for another. It was probably all the flaws you could easily point out. Sick of his stupid anxiety, of him always being shy and blushing. Must have been annoying; quiet a bother. Maybe the fact he tend to stutter and speak in a quiet manner, afraid of bothering anybody around. Or possibly because he couldn't defend himself, not really one to get into arguments or fights, always hiding and cowering into corners; unable to deal with a real problem. Yeah, no wonder he left.

I'm sorry (Reibert)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant