"I don't know what I would without ya, Khlo." His eyes oozed with a lovingly sense, my heart melting at the sight. I don't mean to sound conceded, but I don't know either. Maybe he would be wasting his life away with sex. Maybe drowning in alcohol. Maybe he would be partying every day and night. Or maybe he'd be back in Ireland now. Maybe he'd have made a friend back home. Maybe he and Sean would have reconnected. Who knows where either of us would be right now if it wasn't for the other. Maybe I'd be getting ready to study abroad next semester. Maybe I'd have a different boyfriend, and a different group of friends. Maybe Niall and I would hate each other. If it wasn't for that stupid party that first Friday, who knows where we would be today.

All I can say is that out of anyone, I'm glad it's Niall. I'm glad that he was the one who ran into me. I'm happy to know that fate really must have been on our side that night.

He stared down at me, just smiling, giving my hand a slight squeeze as I stared back. Neither of us knew what to say, but we didn't even really need words to speak. It was as if we had said it all by looking into each other's eyes.

Little butterfly wings pricked at my insides, but it was oddly comfortable. I'd felt like I weighed as light as a feather.

There was a sudden burst of ruckus amongst the entryway as roaring laughter and giggles bounced off the walls. I'd jumped, yanking my hand and eyes away from Niall to see two little boys running into the living room; small, plastic airplanes held in their muddy little hands.

They pretended to fly them in the air, making lip trills with their mouths while then crashing them together. Laughter was heard from above me and I'd almost forgotten that Niall was here in the first place.

"Gavin, Gabe, over here now. You know the rules about no shoes on inside. Now come so I can get your jackets off." My aunt Jenna scowled her twins, before she began to unravel them of their outer layers.

"That's my mom's other sister, Aunt Jenna. I think you only met the one, Heather, at the wedding, yeah?" I looked up at Niall, slowly sitting up straight after he nodded. "Those are her two boys, and then she has a baby only a few months old. Her name's Aplin."

Niall smiled, watching the boys from a distant while they played with the planes. They were only six, and let me tell you, they were loud, rough, a little crazy, and very loving. They had a heart of gold, yet they were so into themselves; always wanting to do things by themselves, and thinking they were bigger than what they were. I loved them nonetheless, along with all of my many other cousins, just it was a lot to take in sometimes.

"Let me know if they get to be too much and we can just go find somewhere quiet to hang out, okay?" I asked, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"They're okay, Pebbles. Don't worry, I like them being around. It adds life to a house." Niall leant down and kissed the top of my head before he stood up, walking to the kitchen.

I could tell that he was starting to get warmed up to my parents. He and my dad would joke around and laugh and he'd help my mom cook and clean up after dinner. Matter of fact, I never did know that he could cook until he'd made us dinner last night. And it was amazing to say the least. I was quite surprised that he'd tricked me into cooking every night for him when he knew very well that he could cook dinner himself. He'd made us breakfast before, but I was always the one to make dinner because... well, I guess because he never told me that he could cook.

"Hey, KiKi! Did you see what we got?!" Gabe ran towards me, pretending to fly the plane. I smiled, looking at his toy.

"Very cool, buddy! Where'd you get it?" I pulled him by his tiny waist, placing him on my lap as my hand ran through the short prickles of dark brown hair on the back of his head.

Frozen (Frat Boy Niall) EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now