"Aight, lock your legs around me, tight as it can go." I held on to Cyrene's ass as she did what I told her. "Now let go. Just keep your legs tight around me."

She hesitated, releasing her arms from around my neck. But she slowly took a breath leaning back as far as she could. "I'm not gone be able to pull myself back up."

"I got you." With one of my hands I grabbed her good arm the wasn't previously dislocated, helping her pull up. "Breath out slow coming up."

"Ow, shit." She grunted, coming up. I used a little more of my strength to help her get back up to me. "I can get you two more tops."

Placing my hands on her lower back, giving her a second to catch her breath. I leaned in and kissed her. "Now come on. Remember, I'll help you up when I see you struggling. Don't use that other arm at all for this position."

"You do this with your other clients?" She got herself ready for the next drop.

I looked at her like she was crazy, "no, I don't."

"Ok, just checking." She snuck a quick kiss before leaning back.

After a few more intimate positions, we called it quits. Both of us were ready to go on to the next thing. We showered and got dressed in the locker room.

We headed next door to get some protein shakes for lunch since I had big dinner plans for us later on.

"Let me taste yours?" She leaned over in the passenger seat. I gave her mine as I took hers to try it. We were in my truck in the parking lot, letting our bodies cool down. "Taste like Reese's cup mixed with vanilla ice cream."

"Your shit nasty as fuck." I stuck my tongue out, frowning my face up at her drink, handing it back to her. "That's not the move."

"Taste good to me." She shrugged.

I shivered a little bit turning my nose up. "Not with all of those bananas in it. That's all I taste is the bananas." I coughed a little, almost gagging. It was so nasty.

"Anyways, where to next?" She sat back, propping her feet up on the dash, slurping her smoothie.

"You'll see when we get there." I reclined my seat a little more. "What did you think of the workout?"

"I liked it. I wasn't expecting this to be our date, but I guess."

"I said I was gone train you. That'll be our first session —well, first consistent session. We can start with three days a week. Whenever it's good for you."

She nodded. "I can get with that. But don't push me too hard. You know I don't like working out."

"I'm gone hold you accountable. Just trust the process, and it'll get easier." I leaned over, pulling her closer to me.

"I'm growing it back out." She sucked her teeth once I kissed her head again. "You're so annoying."

"This shit so fly." I chuckled, caressing the side of my face against the top of her head, feeling her little buzz cut rubbing against my skin.

Heading to the next part of our excursion, I couldn't do anything but laugh to myself. I knew for sure that Cyrene would try to back out.

"Hell no." She shook her head, staring at the building, "nope, un un."

"This is my date, remember. I choose what we're doing." I put the car in park, unbuckling my seat belt.

"You know I'm not the best dancer. All I know how to do is shake a lil' something. That's it." She took her feet down off the dash and put on her heels she had on before we worked out. "Are JT and Caresha in there? If not, I can't do anything for you."

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