Fantasize?💭 Pt. 1

Start from the beginning

~time skip to the mallll~

You two were in the mall, doing some shopping and running errands. Being the bookworm and the artist you two were, you both had spent hours in the book and stationary shop, with Shinichi flipping books and you going to different sections for art materials. You two were ecstatic, and never got bored over those hours. You were taking a look and choosing which marker to buy, when you felt a weird presence near you. It felt...familiar. You looked around, observing, thinking that you'd spot a familiar person. But no one was familiar to you. You shrugged your shoulder, raising an eyebrow. You turned back to the markers in your hands, and picked up where you left off. You walked into another section to browse a few more things, before paying them. Little did you know that a figure had walked past you, just when you felt that presence, but it had walked away from you just when you turned back.

Kaito's pov:

My alarm clock rang loudly, awaking me and forced my eyes open. I pressed the snooze button forcefully, and groaned, sitting up. I rubbed my eyes, using my other hand to ruffle my own hair. Yawning, I walked towards the bathroom, unlocking my phone to check notifications as a daily morning habit. Opening a message from Aoko, I sighed, reading it.

To: Kaito

Sorry Bakaito! I can't make it today, my dad had just got injured during the recent KID's heist, so I'm taking care of him at the hospital. I swear, if I ever see KID again, I'll kick him hard in the head! Anyways, I'm sorry again!

From: Aoko

I laughed, remembering when I spector Nakamori had tripped over a stone while chasing me up to the roof, giving me a chance to escape while the rest of the police attended to him. I was scrolling through my messages, muttering to myself. "Damn it Ahoko, must you cancel our meeting so late...I literally cleared my schedule for today because you kept insisting." I muttered to myself. I would be transferring to Teitan High School soon, so Aoko had invited me out as a sort of farewell outing I guess. Keeping my phone in my pocket, I fished out my house keys, preparing to go out. Since I had cleared my schedule, I had plenty of free time, besides my heist at 8pm later, so I had decided to go to the newly opened Beika Mall to take a look around. I was about to leave, turning the doorknob, when I suddenly remembered something out of nowhere. The dream. It was the fourth time I had dreamt of meeting her....that girl. I keep seeing her, but I never for her name. And I still remembered each dream:

The first was when I was at the Tokyo Towers. I was standing in front of it, and everyone around me were greyed out, unlike me. I was in my natural colors, and glanced around, a little confused about why I was there. That was when I saw her. That girl. She was like me, in normal hues. She met my gaze, with her e/c eyes. She had h/l(hair length) h/c hair, and she was wearing f/c sleeveless shirt, with jeans. She was staring at me curiously, and slowly walked towards me. I sub consciously walked towards her as well, wanting to ask her for her name, but I had woken up, head aching. The second and third were just as similar, just at different places. The second was at the Tokyo Museum, while the third was at the firework festival. She was wearing different outfits each time I see her, the second was a fleece dress, while the third was a f/c yukata. The fourth was a little different. Both of us were on a school roof, and she was wearing a school uniform that I couldn't recognize. I wasn't sure whether it was normal, but to me, it definitely wasn't. Dreaming of the same person that you didn't know four times is a little weird to me. I am not sure whether she is real, but I am going to give it a try. To find her.

I came back to my senses, and blinked. I looked at my wrist watch, realizing that I had spent quite a while day dreaming. I opened the door, on my way to the mall.

~Time skip to the mall(again)~

I was walking, going shop to shop to just look around. Nothing so far has perked my interest, up until I walked past a book shop. A new book I was interested had just came out, so maybe they have started selling it in the book shop. 'Alright, I'll go back home after this, I have to get ready for the heist later.' I walked briskly into the shop, looking around. 'Nothing much around here...' But as I was walking, I felt something weird. A familiar presence near me. My eyes widened and turned around, hoping to see anything out of the ordinary, but nothing. Everything seemed normal. I sighed. 'Maybe I'm just tired. Anyway, I have to get home now.' I put down the book I was holding on the nearest shelf, and made my way out of the bookshop.

No one's pov:

You and Kaito both sighed, and convinced yourselves that nothing was wrong. Nothing was abnormal. 'I'm probably just imagining things.' you both thought, sighing. Many things have been filling your mind with thoughts, so you two thought that maybe some good rest may help.

Your pov:

You rested your head on your hand, and sighed. You and Shinichi were in a cage of the mall, resting your tired legs from all the walking. Shinichi was scrolling through his phone, sipping his hot coffee. He looked back at your exhausted face, and asked, "Something happened, y/n?" Your ears perked up, surprised by the sudden speech from him. "N.... Nothing! Why do you ask?" He narrowed his eyes, and added, "The look on your face told me so." You scoffed, you should've seen this coming. He was the Great Detective of the east after all, of course he would be able to tell what was on your mind just by glancing at your expression. "Gah fine. While we were at the book shop earlier, I felt something.....weird." You started, making him shift a little closer to listen, with an eager look on his face. You continued, "I suddenly felt a oddly familiar presence near me. But when I turned in every direction, I couldn't see anything extraordinary." Shinichi turned away, putting his hand on his chin. "Hm, I'm not sure about this y/n, it could be just your imagination." "I know, I have thought of that, but I'm sure about what I felt." your voiced raised a little, but you still tried keeping it down. He just leaned back into his chair, and ruffled his hair.

"ARGH, why is that guy of yours so hard to find y/n!?" he groaned, closing his eyes. "Excusee meee, he isn't MY guy. I'm still a single pringle until I find a suitable guy, you newlywed! " You folded your arms, smirking and teasing him. He snorted, turning away with a light pink hue on his cheeks, knowing what you meant. You laughed, and checked your phone. It was already 5pm." Geez, time passes by fast. I got to go Shinichi. I'm going to attend Kid's heist later, see you!" You bid him goodbye, and got up, walking out of the cafe. He smiled, waving goodbye to you, until you disappeared out of his sight. 'KID' s heist is at 8pm, got to eat dinner and get ready to attend it.' Shinichi wanted to attend the heist as well, but he had a late meeting with Inspector Megure later. You paced slowly, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere enveloping you. You lowly hummed to yourself, smiling lightly. You were thinking about random things, until your mind slowly drifted to that guy. "That guy...." you muttered, suddenly stopping in your tracks. You knew that he may not be real, but you were a persistent young lady, you were determined on finding him no matter what. The thought of him made you flush a light pink. Even though you knew nothing much about him, you still felt a deep connection with him, and you knew what that meant. This drove you to be more resolved on finding him, someday. 'Someday....I will.....someday..' You thought to yourself, and continued your way back home.

~End of part 1~

I hope this is good so far, because I wasn't sure how to continue much on the progression of the story in the middle of this part, and I have to think of what to write on the next part. I'm sorry if I take a longer time to update 😅

Anyways I hope you are enjoying this story so far!

Kaito Kuroba/ Kaito KID X Reader One shots [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now