"Im guessing you haven't checked your phone today." I grab my phone from my back pocket and turn it on. 7 new messages.

"Sorry I've been really busy today. Is everything ok though?" I sigh.

"Ye I just wanted to check up on you thats all. I missed you today" He wraps his arms around my waist and softly kisses the back of my neck.

"I missed you too." I rest my hands over his.

"I have to talk to you about something." His face drops

"Oh god what now" I laugh at his assumption that yet another bad thing has happened because that's all that seems to happen to us recently.

"Its nothing bad its amazing actaully. I got an email form a fashion designers assistant today asking me if I could plan her wedding."

"Thats amazing. What's the catch?"

"I would have to fly out to New York and stay there for a month." He sighs and im silently praying inside that he's okay with this.

"New York! Thats so far away tess and its also a looooooooong time apart." He sits down on the kitchen stool.

"I know it is but it could be amazing for my business and it would get my name out there among other big names."

"Look I would never stop you from doing anything you wanted to do and it could mean major business for you. I just don't want to be away from you." He pulls me closer to him and I wrap my arms around his shoulders.

"When would you leave?" He asks.

"Within the next 2 weeks." His eyes go wide and he puts his head back looking up at the ceiling. I rest my hands on both sides of his face.

"Do one thing for me. If I do this promise me that when I get back you will still be here."my anxiety about him leaving again really worries me.

"Tess I promise you im not going anywhere. I would never leave you." He sits me down on his knee.

"You said that before."

"actually YOU said that before and then left me. I was the paranoid mess who was counting down the days until you did so." He is right. But he also promised not to give me a reason to leave and he did.

"Ok fair enough but your not going anywhere right?"

"I promise.Distract me please." I kiss him slowly and turn to face him properly putting my legs either side of him on the kitchen stool. His back is against the counter and I accidentally knock over a glass of water.
"Oh for fuck sake." I sigh. I get up off hardins lap and grab a tea towel to clean up the mess.
He wraps his arms around my waist from behind me. His hands move under my shirt and unclasp my bra.

My breathing hitches and all I can think about is hardins hands running over my skin."Are you okay?" He looks at me asking for permission. I nod and bring my mouth back to his. He walks me towards the bedroom. I can feel him smile under my lips and I know hes been waiting for a long time for me to be ready to have sex again. He picks me up so my legs are around his waist and places me down on the bed still holding me tightly against him. My hands move under his shirt and he hisses at the contact.

"Your freezing." He pulls his shirt without me having to say anything.

"Sorry" I place my hands on his shoulders pulling him back down to me. His tounge presses against mine setting the perfect rhythm. I wrap my legs around his waist and reach for the buttons on his jeans. He grabs my hands to stop me and places them above my head pinning them down with one hand while his other trails up my stomach lifting my shirt off leaving goosebumps from his touch. Our kisses are slow and deeper than usual. I can feel his need for me when we kiss not just him wanting it. He lets go of my hands and moves down to my neck,chest then stomach killing me slowly. I pull him back up to me but he takes my hands pinning them above me again. He's in control this time and I dont mind. Usually im the one to take control when we are intimate but him pinning my hands is highly annoying because I just want to touch him. He moves his hand back down to my jeans pressing his fingers against me and I take a sharp breath in closing my eyes.

Hessa.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant