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           "Breath, breath, it's okay. It's going to be okay! Trashykawa," I laugh, "Just breath. The doctors will be here soon."

"But. . .it hurts so much, why. Why did this happen to me? Please Iwa-chan, tell me why?"

"I don't know, I truly don't know." Iwaizumi gripped my hand tighter. I faintly heard sirens in the distance. My eyes grew heavy and drooped.

"Oikawa, come on, stay with me. Stay with me!"

"Don't worry. . .I'll stay awake. . ." My eyes droop even further. A blurry Iwaizumi face fills my vision. I try to smile, but it hurts too much. The sirens get louder and I wince. Iwa-chan covers my ears gently. I hear him call out to someone and I wince once more. Dirt and rocks fall and crunch behind me, and I feel myself getting lifted up onto a sheet. Before I move too far, my eyes close and I see nothing.

I wake up in a piercingly bright white room. Nothing's on the walls, but there are two windows to my right. Iwaizumi sits in a chair also to my right. Once he sees my head turn, he gets up and walks over to me.

"Iwa-chan. Where am I?"

"You're," he takes a breath, "In the hospital."

A quick flashback of a bridge, water, a beer bottle, and a rock. Pain hits my head and I lift my arm to feel it, but I can't move it. I look down and see both of my arms are thickly bandaged. The hospital blanket shows a bit of my stomach, but it's also wrapped in white. I try to lift my hand to my head again. When I do, I feel stuff around my head.

"Iwa-chan? What happened to me?"

He pulls over a chair and sits down. He starts to rub my arm.

"Well, what didn't happen?" He laughs nervously. "We were walking home from volleyball practice and we stopped at the bridge. You decided to climb up onto the wall and balance all the way to the other side. Right before you made it to the middle, a car full of drunk teens swerved and threw a bottle at you. Um, so. . .you turned and it hit your head." His voice catches and he covers his mouth. "You fell into the river. It would have been fine if there had been more rain this season, so the river was really low. You feel on a rock. A large, pointy rock. Which punctured your lower stomach, and broke one of your legs. Somehow you broke both of your arms trying to brace yourself. The bottle broke skin on your forehead and you have a concussion."

"H-how long have I been here?"

"Five days."

"O-o-oh. Have you seen my parents? Or my sister and nephew?"

"Your mom is outside talking with the doctors and your dad is at work. He hasn't visited. . .at least when I've been in the room." He gazes up at me, sadly. "I don't think he approves of m-me. I don't think he has since, since we started high school."

I look down at my stomach. "Shit. . .Sh-shit. Shit!"

"What? Oikawa, what's wrong?"

"My dad. Why isn't he here? Huh?" Tears fill my eyes. "Aren't fathers and sons supposed to have a special relationship? I know I haven't enjoyed playing catch, or doing "manly" things that fathers and sons sometimes do. But now? When I'm hurt? Why. . .why."

"Hey! Hey, hey." Iwaizumi stands up and cups my head in his hands. "Don't think about him, don't think bad thoughts. Just be happy that you're alive. Focus on me," He touches his forehead to mine. "Just be alive with me."

His breath warms my cheeks. I sigh and smile slightly.

One Moment-IwaOiWhere stories live. Discover now