sissy spacek - bloody/bath

Start from the beginning

"but i need money, i need a place to stay, i need plans.. there are so many things chaining me to this hellhole. i have friends here, other family members, old classmates. everything i know is here. this is where i grew up, this is where all of us grew up. how are we meant to live anywhere else?"

i turn to him, pulling him down so he can't look at the buildings below us anymore.

"that's a toxic mindset, honey. you can escape, and you will, one day. you're not destined to die here, okay? trust me."

he smiles faintly as i give him a quick kiss.

"sometimes i just wish i wasn't a valley kid, you know? i wish i could be from up here. they have it so much better than us."
"they're probably just as edgy and sad as us. money doesn't equal happiness. their cribs might seem fancy but that doesn't mean they've got it any better," i reassure him.

"maybe you're right," he sighs, mouth full of bread.
"when am i not?"

we try to keep our laughter in.

"i'm sorry but," nick snorts, "you're like the dumbest smart person i know."
"what does that even mean?"
"shut up, i don't know!"

god, he's cute when he laughs.

as he huddles closer to me i notice goosebumps have started to form all over his bare arms. admittedly it is a little chilly out tonight, despite it being late may.

"where's your hoodie?" i ask, scanning the blanket for any sign of it.
"i left it in the car."

automatically i take off my dark green college jacket, handing it over to nick like it's an instinct of mine.

"aww, you're too damn good to me," he giggles, sliding it on.

my breathing hitches when i see him wearing my absolute favorite piece of clothing. i got it from a vintage store a while ago, and it sure as hell wasn't cheap with its leather arms and nice branding. though it is a little oversized on him, he looks so fucking hot.

"you don't need to give it back," i abruptly say, "i-i want you to have it."
"no, it's yours! why?"

cause i love you, dumbass.

"to be completely honest, you look really hot right now. and i also want you to have something that reminds you of me."
"isn't there anything else you can give me, if you have to give me stuff?"

i huff, "well, i'd give you the moon if i could. seems simple enough."
"was there weed in those brownies?" he jokingly wonders.
"i'm not kidding dude!"

i smack his arm and he pokes my side where i'm ticklish. this midnight picnic was supposed to be calm, refreshing and relaxing but those terms don't seem to exist in our stupid little world. he keeps on tickling me now that he's found my weak spot, and i can't do anything but fight back. i try some foul play by kicking at his feet and legs, but he's surprisingly stubborn.

his face is so close to mine that despite this torture he's putting me through, i'm still feeling a strong urge to just connect our lips. the wild expression he's displaying only makes it worse. or better, depending on how you see it. i guess it's better. yeah, it's better. definitely better.

just fucking kiss me already.

"p-please! i can't- i can't breathe!" i exclaim amidst the chaos.
"okay, okay! i'll stop."

his mouth is already slightly open, lips pink and coated with saliva. the disheveled hair is just the cherry on top of the pie at this point. he sits in between my spread legs, blushing furiously as he presses up against me. i smirk at him, knowing exactly what the both of us want.

my fingers soon tangle into his light brown strands, forcefully pulling him down even further. his tongue is wet, exploring every part of my mouth with a burning desire. i've barely got time to breathe, but it's perfect. he's perfect.

we make out for what feels like hours, hours of pure bliss. it's so hot that i just can't get enough. his hands are everywhere, running all over my skin. i bite his bottom lip in a lust-filled haze, and he loudly moans into the kiss. my body tingles upon hearing his desperate sounds. i need to bless him once more tonight. i need to.

his half-lidded eyes look at me so dreamily, like he's completely out of it.

"fuck this, wanna go back to my place?"


but you look pretty cute
smoking in the living room

goth angel sinner - dreamnap (sequel to cowys)Where stories live. Discover now