Chapter 2 (The Cold Prince)

Start from the beginning

My mind laughs at that time, he is really a man studying psychology.

"Ok, I told him"

"What is the pros, Yibo" Sean wrote to me

"Mn, I might win something" I erote to him

"What is your cons" Sean asks me

"I win nothing at all" I wrote to Sean

"have you got your answer" Sean asks me

"Yup, I am joining the competition" I wrote to Sean

So, in the end, I really did sign up for the competition, actually I immediately sign up that night online. This is the power that Sean has on me, he can easily convinced me without needing to convince. I find myself relating to him so easily, He seems to be my father, my brother and my best friend at the same time.

SO, because I have signed up, I practice almost every day in my dance studio at home. Oh, I forgot to tell you. It is a free-style dancing, meaning I can dance what ever way I wanted to. I know I am a good dancer, as I took lessons when I was young and so my body is really flexible plus I also secretly sign on to the training of the dance school without my father or brother knows, after all they are too busy for me. Will they even know, I don't think so. What if they know, will they even care, that is another Great Question Mark. So, I have been preparing myself for the competition day. Do you know what, this is really funny. I wanted to win the trophy for someone. Yeah, I wanted to win this trophy so desperately. First time in my life I wanted to win something so earnestly. I wanted to win the trophy for Sean. I have decided that I will take a picture of the trophy and upload it to Sean email and he can see the trophy. Ha, the more I think about it, the more I wanted to win this competition. Also, at the same time, I tell myself, all hard work often pays off, at least it gives you a chance. In every one's life, we are always given a chance and I would like to take this chance, not for myself, but to win it for MY Sean. Oh sorry, did I say Mine, oh yeah I did.


I am still in the Limo driven by Wan and thankfully it is already near my home when I saw something at the entrance of the Wang Mansion ans I begins to sigh heavily which is now noticed even by our driver

"Young Master, Master Wang is home" Wan told me

"Mn" my cold plain face responded

"Are you not happy that Master Wang is back tonight?" Wan asks me

I did not answer him because I am really thinking hard. I remembered that when I was young, I often looked forward to my father coming home from overseas trip, young in that I was 10 years old. He will buy me all sort of latest gadgets and games, Dad looks like a Santa Claus to me, just that he does not have such a huge belly or white hair and of course he doesn't wear red. I often jumped when the car approached the entrance of the home. I will run towards the door and greet him, often extending my hand for presents. My brother who is older than me, maybe like my age now, would just stand and smile and hug dad. Dad would still give him present but usually smaller than mine but now I know it is often more valuable than mine which I don't mind. However, as I grow older, my dad got busier and he often comes home anti-handed and he would give excuses of how and much and how hard he worked for all of us. I FEEL SICK. So, now that he is back, am I happy. I don't know. I don't hate it but I feel nothing. Am I cold because I am now the Cold Prince....have I become my nick name now. I don't know either.

The door is now open and I drag my long feet out, feeling tire even before I face my dad, because there will be a long list of questions about my academic performance etc and etc. Of Course nothing about how I feel at home or at school. How many friends I have, what is my favourite sports. Sign, I resign to my fate. Once I step into the house I heard my dad calls me

"Yibo, I am home" Dad told me

I turn around and nod my head like an automatic robot sold in the departmental store.

"Mn" I reply

"Dinner at 7.00pm" dad reminded me

"Mn" another automatic nods.

Then, I rushes up to my room. I took a 3 minutes shower, fastest ever, with my wet hair, I open my laptop and talk to the person that I most wanted to

"Sean, are you there?" I type in my email.

I waited and waited and there isn't any reply and I feels sad immediately. I did not give up and I type again

"Sean, are you there?"

Still no reply, it is 6pm here, meaning 6am in China, maybe he is asleep but Sean is a early riser, maybe he has something on.

Reluctantly, I went down stair and waited for dinner, or if you don't know, I have to be earlier than my dad or he will have a million words to talk about manners, I don't want that, I want to go back to my room and talk to Sean about my dance competition tomorrow. I wanted to hear his cheer, I wanted to let him encourage me. I just love that.

"YIbo. come, it is hard to shop for you as you already grown up, so I will deposit some extra money in your bank account as a gift from overseas" dad told me.

"Oh, digital gift" I mumble irritatedly

"Huh?" Dad heard my mumble not my words

"Nothing" I told dad

We approach the dining table and the food are already set out and so I sit beside my dad and starts eating

"So, how is your results in school" I know this will comes and so I am prepared

"All As" I told my dad

"OK" my dad reply and I could see that my dad is struggling to find words to talk to me.

I just keep quiet and I ask back the same words that I used a thousand times

"How is your trip?" I ask my dad

"Good, good, very good" My dad usual answer to my question.

This has becomes a routine for the Wang family. The words are the same, the questions are the same and the answers are the same.

The tortuous dinner is finally over and I quickly run to my bedroom and open my laptop and wanting to email again Sean, but the Cold Prince melt, the answer come

"Hello, Yibo"


Thank you for reading

I hope you like this chapter.

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