Chapter 3

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. . .After Class Kirishima calls you over to him. "Hey Y/N I noticed you petting BakuBro's ears. How come he didn't kill you." He said confused. "Oh! He likes when I pet him. He says it feels good" you giggle. "Oh well okay then." Kirishima says nervously.

Its a week day and you go to meet Bakugou at 4:00 and you get there at 3:35 and you wait for Bakugou. Its almost 4:00 and you think maybe Bakugou stood you up as you het ready to leave you hear explosions coming your way you stand there as you quickly see Bakugou appear infront of you. You scream covering your face scared, but then you feel big arms wrap around you and you know its Bakugou. "Bakugou?" You say looking up. "Sorry Im late dumbass, I didn't forget I just got caught up in 'buissness' with somebody" he says kinda annoyed. "Oh its fine." For some reason Bakugou has really gotten attached to you, you aren't mad about it though. If anything you are extrememly happy you could tame the crazy but cute Bakugou.

"We will stretch first. Then we will lift weights, and then we'll actually fight. But there will be rules on the fighting so nothing bad happens and this goes for every fight we do. Then we will fit in a little bit of quirk practice." Bakugou says. "Well okay then!" You say with excitment.


You follow what Bakugou is doing with the stretching, but there's this one stretch you can't do. It invloves going down close to the spilt but coming back up immidiately after you go down. So Katsuki comes over and holds your waist going down and uo with you, as you both go down you feel butterflies in your stomach feeling him so close to you.

(Bakugou's POV)

This damn idiot couldn't do a simple stretch so I had to help them of course. As I went down with her I uh- my uh y'know rubbed down on her going down and up, I got hard... I covered it up easily though. Damn nerd had me blushing. I rolled my eyes at them after, I didn't wanna show my feeling towards them so I tried to act normal. I hope I did a good job at that.

(Switching back to your POV)

Bakugou went down with you and you felt his dick rub on you and you tried to act normal but your stomach felt so whirly and twisted with butterflies. He rolled his eyes at you after "You couldn't do that simple stretch? It wasn't that hard." He said annoyed. "Ahah- Sorry Bakugou." You say nervously. "Yeah whatever you damn nerd." He said.

-Weight Lifting-

As you weight lifted you watched Bakugou and you couldn't help but stare at his abs. See he had taken his shirt off because it was hot out and he was getting sweaty so its normal he took it off. You had worn a crop top knowing it was gonna be hot, you would've worn a sports bra but you were kinda nervous to do that because you were self consious about your size. Its rare you wore a crop top, its nice you're gaining confidence in yourself. (If you dont have confidence this might not apply to you) You didn't struggle with weight lifting and which Bakugou found it hot you could lift almost as much as he could. He lifted a extremely heavy one and his ear twitched. You thought this was adorable, you think when his tail or ears move or something like that, that it's cute. He was able to lift it and when he did you smiled. "Can I try to lift that one Bakugou?" You ask him. "Its super hard to lift, I bet you wont even be able to move it." He said. "Just lemme try" You said. "Mhm sure here." He chuckled laughing at the fact you though you could lift it, he moved out of the spot he was in letting you stand there. You picked it up kinda struggling you made noises like "Mm.." "Ngh.." "Hh.." "Hoo.." "Ff..". But eventually you lifted it and pushed it above your head then placed it down. "Impressive" He said blushing, you didnt realise he was blushing because his face was red from the heat.

-The fight-

"You have good combat skills, so does Bakugou so this fight should be fun." You think to yourself. "So there will be rules that I have to set for this." Bakugou says. "1. We can't do it at the park we will have to do it in their fighting area. 2. Don't overuse your quirk so you don't pass out or some shit. 3. Yeah we can fight physically but let's try not to hurt each other too bad. 4. Have Fun I guess." Bakugou says. "Uh you missed something important, we can't damage anything important in the fighting area." You replied. "Oh, yeah that too." Bakugou says. "Lets get a move on, its already 7:00. The fight should take an hour or so that'll give us another hour for quirk practice." Bakugou says."Okay" You say kinda sad. "What's wrong dumbass?" Bakugou asks. "Huh what do you mean?" You ask. "You sound sad dumbass. I'm not stupid" He says. "Do you not wanna fight me? Are you scared you'll hurt me or something? if thats the reason i'll have you know im very strong." Bakugou says. "No that's not it," You laugh. "It's just I don't wanna leave you, its been so fun for these few hours." You say. "You'll see me at school tommorow and we have practice after school again. Clingy Much?" Bakugou says. "Oh yeah, right.. Sorry" you say. "Ugh you can stay the night at my house again stupid." Bakugou says. "Oh no- its fine." You say. "Shut up, you're staying at my house tonight that's a demand." He says. "Well, okay." You smile. "Lets go now." He grabs your hand and walks to the fighting area.

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