Part 8 - Perfect Storms

Start from the beginning

You sat on your couch and turned on the TV, cuddling up to your blanket and pillow. You decided to take a really lazy day and stay in fuzzy socks, sweats and a loose sweater without a bra; you scrolled through Netflix and groaned when you couldn't find anything, so you put on Friends and let it play, mouthing all the lines as you got off the couch and walked into the kitchen. Putting your coffee cup in the cup holder, you decided to look at your phone and answer people, everyone but Hotchner. You had what seemed like a billion messages from Penelope and Emily each, Derek messaged you saying he misses you but he'll give you space. Rossi messaged you once reminding you you're always invited to his mansion. 

You checked your calls and once again saw the unknown, but you assumed it was nothing but spam so you left it be. You set your phone down and got immediate responses but you didn't look at them and didn't plan to, at least not until you sat back on the couch. As you fixed your coffee you groaned and the amount of buzzing that was going on, you sat down on the couch and looked at the messages again and soon got into a conversation with Emily about what you planned on doing tonight; the team was out in New Jersey on a case. You thought about it and decided you were going to the bar tonight, you send Em the text and she started spamming about what you should wear. 

I am not wearing a leather skintight dress, Em.

You would look so good!

I know that, I just have other plans. Phone's about to die, I love you.

And you put your phone on silent, grinning to yourself as you had a devious but cruel plan to take pictures and send them to Emily in hopes she'll show them to Hotchner discreetly. First things first...naps and TV shows. 


After the bar, you returned home about one am and decided to go for a jog. Sure, it was late out and snowing, but you wanted to run. You took off your outfit you traveled to the bar with and changed into sweats and a loose long sleeved shirt under a hoodie; putting on your socks and shoes you put your hair up in a loose pony, grabbed your keys and phone, and went out the door before locking it and starting your jog.

As you jogged, you warmed up and your nose wasn't so runny and your hands regained feeling. You had jogged into a slightly unknown area but you knew your way back easily, you stood by a bus stop in a small pant and looked at you phone. You took a few seconds before you finally opened the unknown numbers messages.

Start locking your door, very easy for someone to come in.

Open your curtains, Y/N. I wanna see your beautiful face. 

Answer my calls goddamnit.

Your heart stopped and your hands trembled a little as you hesitated to listen to voicemail but brought it up to your ear either way and the voice sent chills down your spine: You see, little one. You've disrespected the word of God. I'll get to you, and show you karma and give you a demonstration of what sinful things you've been doing with that Aaron Hotchner. The second the dial tone rang you hurried to call Aaron and your breathing became raged. 


"A-Aaron...g-g..." You couldn't form words, who could when you get messages like that?! Your mind grew fuzzy as you seemed to speak like a shy nerdy girl who was written by a 12-year-old Wattpad-obsessed tween.

"Y/N, what's going on?" Aaron 's main focus was on you and only you while the world was drowned out.

"Y/N? I wanna talk to her." Derek looked at Aaron but his face grew serious when he saw what he rarely saw in his bosses eyes, fear.

"G-get here when you can...s-someone's been stalking me a-and...and threatened to..." You took a deep breath and your heartbeat was too loud for you to hear the man ordering Derek to get the rest of the team to leave on the jet as fast as they could. "Give me a d-demon...demonstration of what sinful things you and I h-have been doing." 

There was silence on the other end, both of you knowing exactly what the stalker meant. Neither of you wanted to admit it, but you were in danger of being kidnapped and abused until their hearts content.

"Y/N, are you at home?"

You opened your mouth to answer but you felt leather and what felt like cotton slam over top of of it and you dropped the phone when they collapsed your arms to your side and you let out a scream as loud as you could muffled. "Y/N?!" Aaron said with more concern, his voice broke in fear. 

The guy picked up the phone as your senses realized what the fabric thing was; before you could fully understand your body went limp and you fell unconscious. 

"You disrespected God, God shall give you revenge." Was all Hotch heard before the phone hung up and he ran out of the hotel and ran to the airport which was thankfully close by the hotel. Morgan, being Morgan, followed while everyone got in cars and they all found Hotch already in the jet ready to go. 

"Hotch, what happened." JJ asked as everyone took a seat. Hotch was comprehending it himself, as much as he didn't wanna say it out loud and make it a reality. He was convinced he'd wake up and Y/N would be right beside him smiling and kissing him, calling him handsome.

"Someone kidnapped Y/N." 

♣ ♣ ♣ ♣ ♣


I will only give one more warning before the next ending chapters, it is triggering. Thank you.

(Edit: I sound like a bitch "last warning" man stfu)

Don't forget to comment and vote and I'll see you in the next chapter, love you!

~ Brook ❤

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