Chapter 8: Lunch With The Bad Sanses

Start from the beginning

He grinned. "Sounds like fun. I bet the others will get a kick out of it, too."

I hopped to my feet. "Awesome. Let's go!" Nightmare laughed and we continued on our way.


{a few minutes later}


 We arrived at the dining room and, as Nightmare had predicted, there were already several skeletons at the table, eating. There were only two empty chairs, the one at the head, which was obviously Nightmare's, and one next to it, which looked newer than the rest, but still matched the rest of the funiture, for some reason.

(I would quickly realize that it was necessary to keep a lot of extra chairs handy. The boys broke things a lot.)

Nightmare lead me to the new chair and pulled it out for me. I sat, thanking him quietly. I was a little nervous about all this, as I've said, people didn't really like me much, and that tends to make meeting new people very nerve-racking. I thought about that as I figeted under the curious gazes of the other skeletons.

I had let my guard down a little with Nightmare back there, because I already knew that, for some reason, he doesn't find me to be disturbing or disgusting. At least, that's how he's been acting. It was easy for me to laugh and be loud an a little crazy, because I knew we had at least a little bit in common. But now, I've reverted back to a quiet little mouse. I hated this feeling.

"So," One of the others at the table spoke up. "You gonna introduce everyone to your new mate, Boss?" 

Nightmare glared at the one who spoke. He was one of the ones who had laughed at me before, I had seen him in the corridors. He didn't have any eyelights, and some black substance running down from his sockets, like tears. His soul floated outside his chest, and it was shaped like a target. He could have looked pretty badass, if his demeanor didn't scream dumbass

"They're not my mate, Killer. Watch your mouth." I was amused by how much it seemed to annoy Nightmare. The way he said it reminded me of all the times my brother insisted, "He's not my BOYfriend (Y/N)." when it was so obvious they were into each other. But uh, without the last part. We haven't known each other nearly as long as Kyle and my bro knew each other.

Nightmare glanced at me as memories of my brother flashed through my mind, as if he could tell. And maybe he could. My memories of my brother affected me greatly, and it was hard to keep my composure when I thought about him. I knew Dream could sense people's emotions, so it made sense that Nightmare could too.

Nightmare cleared his throat. "Anyway..." and then he proceeded to introduce everyone, starting with the one who'd spoken before, who's name was Killer.

He then pointed a Cross, who was seated beside me. "You already met Cross." Cross smiled at me a little.

Nightmare continued around table, and the remaining introductions went as such:

Dust, the other one who laughed, was wearing the exact same thing as when I last encountered him. Like Killer, he gave off the dumbass vibe, but not so strongly. Then again, he hadn't said anything stupid yet. He winked at me when Nightmare introduced him.

Horror, who had a large hole in his skull, a wide grin, and his hoodie was bloodstained and frayed. He gave of the same vibe that Dust did, the vibe of someone who's seen some shit. Unlike Killer, he didn't give off the dumbass vibe. He reminded me a lot of some of the homeless kid I'd seen. I felt bad thinking about that. Despite his potentially frightening appearance, he didn't actually seem like someone I should be afraid of. His demeanor was a little nervous, as if he was waiting for the next outburst of craziness. He waved at me when Nightmare introduced him. 

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