Chapter 5|| Louis?!

Começar do início

The collar was hurting me. I think he might've made it too tight around my neck, but I didn't want to complain. He puts the leash around his hand and started walking upstairs. I didn't realize until the collar somewhat started yanking at my neck. I started walking behind him, looking down, and my fingers wrapped tight the ends of my shirt. The shirt was a baggy-baby blue shirt that covered my crotch, which was good enough. I still hated my thighs that were revealed. I remembered Louis had something to do in Maste-..Alex's room and just when I was about to ask Alex about Louis whereabouts or what he was doing, I heard shuffling coming from a room that was closed. The room was located upstairs, all the way down to the left, and it had a doubled door that was paved in white just like the stairs. The paint was beautiful. It looked so new and clean. Alex opened the door and walked me inside. Just as I walked inside what was Alex room, I saw everything..

He had variety of whips, gags, toys, 'outfits', etc. Now, I knew what he meant by training and I didn't like it at all. I wanted to run back down to the basement, but Alex had the leash to my collar. He would've also caught me and beat me if he caught up to me, if I were to run at this moment. "M-master..c-can we..-" I stuttered most of my words. My lips trembling. I was scared, since I was a virgin. This was going to hurt if he done anything like what I'm thinking. I was praying inside so hard that he wasn't going to do what I expect him to do.

Alex looked back at me, "Can we what?" He sound impatient. "Can we skip training? I-, uhm, I don't like the looks of it." I said, knowing I didn't have a choice. I still thought I should try. Louis stood by his bedside staring at us. "You don't have a choice, Sir Bernard isn't giving anyone a choice for training. He never has and never will." Louis answered for Alex before Alex could even speak. Alex looked at Louis and smiled. "Very correct. Now, baby, you heard Louis. Right? So go over to the bed and sit down while, I try to find a bottle of lotion or some lube to maybe ease the pain." Louis narrowed a eyebrow than fixed his face and standing posture. "Sir, I understand this might be John's first time, but keep in mind that if you go easy on him, he'll see it as pleasure/reward rather than training. So, maybe you should reconsider using lube or even lotion. Just go raw." Louis plainly says.

"Is Louis insane?! Raw?! I'll die! Was he okay? Did Alex do something to him?!" I questioned myself in my head. "W-wait, master! No, please. Please, use lotion or lube. D-don't just-" I could hear Alex growl at me. I went silent and stopped myself from talking any further, I looked at Louis at the corner of my eye. He seemed sad, he seemed like he felt bad for what he sad. Oh come on, I wasn't going to believe that! He was the one who suggested it. Ugh, sympathy or pity was not what I wanted. What I wanted was to get the hell out of here.

"Strip." Simple. A simple word. All Alex said was 'Strip.' Just like that. I felt so ashamed to be here. "W-what about-"
I didn't even realize Alex had walked over to be, the last thing was a sharp pain on my face. Alex had hit me, he slapped me in the face again. Me being the sensitive person I am, I started sniffing and tears started rolling down my cheek. I feel so pressured and embarrassed. "Strip.." He grit his teeth with a low, intimidating growl. I couldn't disobey now, could I? Heh..funny how one second everything's fine then the next could be a whole different situation. I took the baggy, baby-blue shirt off. I sat there with both my arms around my body trying to cover me. "That means your boxer too, baby. Don't make me have to strike at you again." I shook my head, not wanting him to smack me again. I felt even more embarrassed having to expose my bottom half. Wasn't my thighs good enough?

I then just stood there and didn't then of sitting back down. I cover my 'area' feeling so flushed. My face was probably red, I felt really burned up. "Bend over on the bed." My eyes widened in his command. "M-master!" I shouted. "BEND over." He says. I whimper and got back on top of the bed. I bent over like Alex had told me to do so. My hand crossed in front of me and my ass was in the air. I looked straight at the headboard. "Was Alex really going to train me? Like THIS." I could hear Alex footsteps approach the bedside. My body started trembling slightly. I was in fear, right away. "A-Alex.." I whispered under my breath. I didn't realize saying his first name was a bad mistake until a few minutes later., because I think Alex probably heard me. He smacked my butt until it turned red. My back was in an arched like position. I was biting down hard on my lip, I didn't realize until I tasted something like metallic in my mouth.

"Who gave you permission," Alex got on top of me as he was taking his clothes and undoing his belt. I gulped. "To call me by my first name." So he did hear me, how lucky I was these day. Just my luck, right?! "S-sorry Master." I said looking down, ashamed of what's going to happen or take place. He was undoing his belt and it made my heart pound in my chest. I didn't realize he was done undressing himself, until I felt something on the entrance of my hole..something stiff, cold, and long. I knew what it was after I took a few minutes or seconds to process it. "M-mas-" I stuttered and was cut off by Alex. "Call me daddy~ from now on." He held my hands down in position, grinned against me in the back, and he cooed inside of my ear. It sent so many shivers down my body. Alex probably felt my body shiver. I tensed up when he was about insert his member inside of mines. "P-please!" He made a small 'hm' noise with more of a question to it. "Please what? Come on. Your sentence is not complete until I here you add those other few words I want to here." I probably knew what it was, but I was denying. This was already a shameful moment for me. "P-please daddy.." I said disappointed that I wasn't able to do anything. He was probably going to get aggressive if I didn't do what he wanted in a swift. "Please, don't be so rough." I wasn't going to stop him from having fun with my body and using it to his satisfactory. I just wanted him to be gentle on my first time, it may have been training but I still wanted hike to be gentle. For this, especially if he was going to do THIS.

"I'll put it to consideration." He says. He was still so close to my ear, it tickled a little when he talked. My head moved to the side a little, to stop the 'air' that came out from him when he was breathing because of how it tickled. "Tch." He scoffed. I gulped a little as I still felt the tip of his member at my entrance. Before I even knew it, he slammed his member inside of me. "A-AHH-ALEX!" I yelled in a loud moan. It hunted so bad. I've never felt more pain in my life than now. Now grabs my hand and brought it to the back. Alex continued to pound inside me, speeding up, and pounding harder.


I thought, or well I thought that I said it inside my head but really I said it out loud. "Yes, John?" He answered in such a soft voice. He was at the end of the bed, just watching. "H-help.." I begged at him. I glanced at Alex. He was looking down at me. My body tensed up and whimpered as tears rolled down my cheeks. "What did I say about calling me by my first name?!" I could tell I made Alex angry. It was on accident. I call him by his first name, because of how painful the pain I was feeling was at the moment. "T-to.." Tears rolled down my cheeks. Millions of tears rolled down my cheeks before I even finished my sentence. "TO!" He repeated after me angrily. I whimpered loudly, showing him how weak I was. "T-to..not c-call you by your f-first name." I finished my sentence, not wanting him to be any more angry. "You're even more pathetic for asking Louis for help, as if he would. Now, I'll ask a question and you answer honestly. The more honest you are the more gentle I will be, the more un-honest you are with me the more harder I'll go on you. Keep in mind who has full control of you and your body." He lets go of one of my arm and yanked my head back with his other hand that had just let go of my arm. "AA!" I yelled out as he yanked my head back. My body started aching so it would be nice if he slowed down, but as I said that his paced picked up. He was pounding me to the point where you can hear him going in and out of me.

A/N Words:

The word count is 2,399 for this chapter! Nothing needs to be pointed out nor said so hope you enjoyed! Bye.

||Taken For The Worst Or Better|| (BoyxBoy) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora