We are all mad here

Start from the beginning

Unknown POV

"Kathy Claire? What a suprise!"

She smiles and what she says dosent suprise me.

"She stole my man! I want him back!"

I nod. "We can make that happen. What will you give me in return?"

She pushes a file across the table and I open it.

'Our luna has been having dizzy spells and extreme Nausea. I ran a few test and I have come to the conclusion that she is pregnant. Since she is a queen and a Luna this baby will be strong. I will continue to monitor.
                                    Doctor wells'

'Today she came to me again, her stress levels are shooting through the roof. I gave her a diffuser and some essential oils to help her relax at night. I have faith she will be ready when the time comes.
                                      Doctor wells'
"If you capture her, you have a baby too. Both powerful and dangerous."

I smile. The end of the cresent moon pack will end. Starting with our Queen.

Ari's POV

I'm back in that field but a diffrent dress is on.

I look down at my stomach and gasp

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I look down at my stomach and gasp. There is a big baby bump. The goddess appears and I open my mouth.

"When the hell did I get so pregnant?!"

She laughs.

"Its her spirit. Your spirit is here not your body. Her spirit looks like its growing."

I nod. I look around noticing the beauty surrounding me. The flowers seem to sing in harmony and the sky a bright blue.

"I have called you hear to warn you."

My eyes snapped towards her.

"They are coming soon arent they?"

She nods. Protectiveness surges over me.

"I need to wake up and prepare then."

She smiles.

"I know I chose correct. You are going to show this world the meaning of strength." I close my eyes and focus on waking up.


I shoot out of bed and Nathan wakes up in a panick.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?!"

"We need to prepare. They are planning."

We soon walk downstairs and into his office. He hands me a laptop and I sit on the couch sending emails to our friend packs asking for as many warriors as they can spare. I then mindlink all of our warriors to practice harder. By the time I'm finished its 5 in the afternoon and I rub my stomach, I'm really hungry for choclate. Nathan walked out a little bit ago to go on a walk so I'm alone.

I walk out and into the kitchen. I grab a snickers and moan when I take a bite. I take my phone out of my pocket and play some music.

I sing along and dance around the kitchen. When the song stops I'm breathless but I laugh at how stupid I probably looked.

I walk downstairs to the gym and I watch the warriors fighting. I see a teenager loosing. His left rib exposed. I walk over to them and tap the other guy fighting him.

"I would like to help him. You can help train with that guy over there. I pointed at a guy not over 20 with blonde tousled hair and broen eyes
He smiles at me and walks over to help him.

I look at the teenager and smile at him. He gives me a shy smile.

"Your problem is your left rib. It's your weak spot, if you can defend it you will be one of the best warriors in no time."

He grins at me.

"I can do that!"

I nod. "Try it. I fight back so dont go to easy."

We get in our pose and I wiped my mind of all thoughts.

He goes to kick my legs from under me but I step back and try to jab his rib bit he blocked and I smiled. We through punches at eachother. I punched his face lightly and his face turned sideways. He quickly regained the proper stance and punched my stomach. I stumbled back. Holding my stomach. I double over in pain. The baby. Please no. Please goddess. I gasp at the stinging and my legs shake. I start walking towards the stairs when I see Nathan rush down. He sees me holding my stomach and panic fills his features.  He picks me up bridal style and we rush to the doctor.

"Doc! Ari was hit!"

Nathan's POV

She rushed in.


I nodded and a sob came from Ari.

I rushed over to her as the doctor gathered her things.

"What if we loose it? We cant loose our baby!"

I hold her hand as she cries. Her anxiety and fear swirls throughout me. Her breaths become more shallow and quicker. Her panick is consuming her.

"Shes having a panick attack doc!"

"Lay down with her. It will calm her down. I'm going to use a diffuser, hopefully it will help."

Soon the smell of lavender fills the air and I hold Ari close. She cries into my chest.

"Its okay Ari. We arent loosing the baby, your strong. You are keeping it safe."

I whisper calming words into her ear. And her breaths become deeper, more stable. She looks at the doctor putting gel on her stomach and she winces at the cold. The screen lights up beside us and what we see makes us both cry.

There isnt one baby. There are 2.


Oh my gosh you guys! Twins!! Are you excited?! And guesses on the genders? Thank you so much for reading!

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