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Her first name was Maria because it was a mutual tribute to their mothers, and she had two middle names: Virginia May. They didn't come up with a name until she was born, they chose to not know the gender of the baby just like they did with their first daughter. She was born on a Tuesday afternoon of March 28th, at the same hospital as her elder sister, Morgan. She wasn't due till the next week, but the OB doctor thought Tony's blood sugar was a little bit high, so it was decided to get an early due date.

Having a second child was an easy decision, so easy it was scary how much Tony and Peter had wanted that 'white pick-fence" life. If they had to define Tony's first pregnancy, it would be a Surprise. Getting pregnant was a surprise and all the changes, the subtle mood swings and the huge hunger and everything between them was a surprise after another one. The first day with a baby, the first year was Discovery. Every win and every loss had a brand-new smell and a new feeling to each of them. They cried they laughed, they doubt themselves and their relationship got stronger with every trial they passed.

Now Tony looked at his new daughter (everything brands new again) in silence while he waited for Peter to bring Morgan into his room. She was a little bit bigger than what Morgan had been, her birth was even more bloody, but that little face was worth it. He only had a few moments before the hurricane called Morgan arrived. At 3 years old, she was a force to be reckoned with, a toddler with unlimited energy that powered a smart brain and a sharp tongue.

A Discovery they did in these 3 years was that Tony loved the first year of a child, it was infinite snuggles, soft smells, first milestones, and long naps while Peter adored the toddler years. Peter was almost a kid himself, he loved to stay up all day and play pirates, barbies, zoo, and archeologists in ancient Egypt. They still went and had another baby though. Having a baby this time also was more challenging because Tony couldn't seem to control the blood sugar; they did everything: a new diet, new exercises, but it was still high.

They had to work on a new schedule, one that had time to some light work for Tony, that gave Peter time in the lab and at home, that they had time for Morgan and time for their relationship. Do you know that rush of hormones that makes the pregnant Omega super horny? Tony had that, but it was the season of blue balls because they were lucky if they had any energy after a day spends with Morgan. Still, they managed it.

Tony took his eyes from Maria when he heard the doors opening. Morgan was dressed in blue shorts, a sore left knee, pink sneakers, and a white t-shirt written: "Morgan is a big sister". She was a fireball of energy, with her brown hair was messed up (never staying with a ponytail) and her brown eyes were so agile. She came running to Tony's bed and tried to climb it up, she only got up because Peter helped her up. 'Look, Daddy, I drew the Bean!" she said, throwing a colored paper in Tony's face.

Tony laughed and Peter holds a shy smile. Peter had told Morgan that her little sister was only a "bean on Daddy' belly", so she called the baby "Bean" all the time.

- Morgan, come see our Maria- called Tony, holding the pink pack where the baby was. Peter put her on the right side of the bed, next to Tony's chest, and Morgan looked close to the baby's face.

- She's red and ugly and has no teeth- pointed out Morgan, making a discussing frown. Both parents laughed at that.

- She will lose the redness, her teeth will grow, and she is a beautiful young lady- said Peter, tracing his newborn daughter's face, delicately.

- Just as pretty as you, Morgan- smiled Tony, who passed the baby to Peter, while Morgan cuddles in Tony's side.

- Want to help me with the first song? - Peter said, rocking his daughter lightly and sending meaningful glances to his omega and eldest daughter.

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