** 💙♡ Dharma Akira ♡💙 *

Mulai dari awal

He said not good at all. We need them all collected immediately to learn what they know and if they talked to others. Dharma said so we'll all be exposed. Her Grandmother Tara sighed and said looks like it sweetheart.

Dharma looked at her grandmother who was smiling. She shook her head and asked your happy about that? Her grandmother said not really, but sometimes life kicks you in the face and you have to deal with it.

Dharma said so our life as we know it will be changing. Her grandmother nodded. The Warriors all smiled. Calls were made as another Warrior hidden from sight texted Council to alert them.

Dharma grunted and said all because of three feral deceitful bitches that were ousted from their pack. Doesn't seem fair at all.


Less than a week later Dharma was escorted into the Council building. It was really under protest as she didn't want to be there and the Council Warriors knew that and still smiled as she was impressing them.

She sneezed walking in and said for god sakes, this building reeks. She was moved forward and they took her straight into the large dining room.

Others in the room stiffened hearing her and watched them immediately as they entered. Dharma sighed deeply seeing them all watching.

She was seated as a few of the Council Warriors escorting her went to the counter to order them all food.

She looked at a Warrior and asked so the troublesome others were all collected? He nodded and said they were read and assessed. She asked were the three feral bitches fully punished? He nodded and said totally culled as threats.

She asked and the group we were all watching? He grunted and said all collected, then read. From what was learned from them, it's in the works dealing with collecting other threats they know about.

Dharma looked him in the eyes and said so they were in contact with 'others'? He grunted and said others of interest we know about but could never track down.

She said I see. He asked see what Dharma? She said I see that it was very necessary they be stopped then if Council knew about them. It brings me to think they were all threats to 'others'.

He nodded and said yes. She asked and the young thugs? He grunted and said they knew too damned much. She asked and how were they dealt with if they were human?

He said we used drugs to take their memories. She asked and where are they now? He said we transported them far away and they are being watched.

She asked the drugs given, are they only temporary since they are being watched? He said no, they do take memories away forever. They are being watched in case they are still threats. Since they were thugs and they could go back to becoming threats.

She asked did the three ousted sluts spill secrets? He smiled and nodded. She said okay, and they were dealt with being culled?

He said yes because they were bullying and threatening other females in their pack besides being reeking sluts who were compromising the pack males and any males visiting their pack.

She said explain compromising. He said they were stopping the males from wanting to look for and find their true mates. They were hooking up with the males visiting their pack too.

She asked what about their true mates?, I guess they didn't ever want to meet them. He grunted and said they were taught to wait and in the end crossed the line too easily and had sex with others instead.

She asked why? If they were taught properly to wait for their true mates, what happened? He looked off and said females minds are very confusing to read I'm told.

Long ForgottenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang