** 💙♡ Dharma Akira ♡💙 *

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Dharma Akira

Long Forgotten

When Dharma was confronted again by three feral bitches, they happened to be seen and were watched.

The ones watching were Council Warriors who were sent out hunting down the guilty feral bitches as they had been ousted from a pack by the pack leaders as dangerous bitches.

The three bitches had been each injected with a massive 5 year birth control, a shot to stop a heat and dosed with wolfsbane before they ran. They ran before they could be shamed before the pack and sent to Council.

Dharma spun on the three feral bitches, then she drew out her asps and went after each, knocking the three bitches out cold quickly as they were threats to others from the way they looked and acted.

Once the three were knocked out, Dharma looked off as another warned her late to strangers being seen in the area.

She collapsed and put the asps away then knelt and searched the three. She sat back on her heels as she heard the strangers close by now. She looked at their ID's to learn their names. She activated each phone found next and looked through them.

She huffed and looked the strangers over as they approached. Too late she was warned who they actually were before she could escape.

She stood and said ease down. They stopped and looked at each other. She looked down the alleyway and said bring your vehicle closer and you can take these three.

One Warrior asked who are you? Do you know these three? Dharma said I don't know them personally. They rented an apartment about a block away two weeks ago. A close family friend lives in the same building and when I was over there to see him I was threatened by these three.

It seems they lied about who they were, and from seeing their ID's and looking through their phones I deem them actual threats.

The same male asked what type of threat? Dharma said look behind you. They spun to see her grandmother making her way to them.

Her grandmother looked them over and said my granddaughter told me about these three swearing and threatening her. I called the threat into Council.

Dharma said Gran, these three were from one pack. Her grandmother grunted and asked what brought them here? Dharma said they were ousted. The smells from them tell me they are sluts, and dosed with wolfsbane. She moved slowly and soon showed her grandmother the texts. Her grandmother growled.

The five Council Warriors stiffened hearing her grandmother's growl. Her grandmother said we've had others come to this area who we've been seriously watching. They haven't threatened anyone yet, but if these three have had contact with them we'll have them collected too.

Dharma looked behind the Warriors and said incoming. The Warriors spun and saw a group coming towards them.

Dharma said not good. Grandmother Tara said pitiful young thugs. It's not the best area of town and they bully and threaten others.

Dharma moved and soon pulled out her asps and said get lost. One screamed those are our girlfriends. She smiled then she laughed and said you lowlives deserve what's coming your way then.

Each were shocked as they were taken down by tranquilizers. Dharma put her asps away and soon her grandmother said have them removed. I scent the sluts have been hooking up with them.

The Warriors moved and soon snorted and said humans. Dharma said yes, but they know. One Warrior asked know what? Her grandmother said they know about our kind.

He snarled what? Her grandmother said calm down, they were seen and heard talking to the younger ones of who we are watching. It's not like we can stop their interaction with others.

Long Forgottenحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن