♡✲ Presley Reva ✲♡

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Presley Reva

Long Forgotten

Presley sighed deeply. She looked away from the current pack's Alpha after seeing him eye her up.

Her mate was paying too much attention and time with the other females that came with them, making it look like to others he was consoling them. He even dared hug them and letting them hands-on and they were eagerly touching him, rubbing their scent on him.


The current pack's males stiffened and looked at her. She just shook her head as she was truly disgusted by him.

First off, she hadn't told her mate, that she was once a member of this pack. It was before she and her parents moved, and her parents were alive at that time.

They had left the pack and she wasn't ever told really why they had left. She though guessed as it had to do with their health, and they wanted her to find her true mate before something happened to them.

Anyway, she slipped into his mind without him knowing and read his thoughts repeatedly. It was because she and her wolf seriously didn't trust him at all.

Going back, she hadn't found her true mate before he marked and fully claimed another. He was caught and the two were dosed up and taken to Council. In the end the bond between the two claimed mates was severed and the bitch was totally culled.

He had truly cared less he had fully claimed another and severed his one and only mate bond to his true mate. The Council stuck their noses in her life and eventually tracked her down, using their documented birthmarks. They ordered the claiming and she was stuck with that prick, even without a true mate bond as he was now only her claimed mate with a weaker bond between them. She knew she absolutely couldn't trust him. Her wolf read he and his wolf constantly and was very, very unhappy.

As for the pack unworthy bitches they brought, they were supposed to find them their true mates and her mate was currently acting like they were his harem of sluts.

She walked away in disgust reading him. The bitches couldn't get pregnant as they were totally dosed up to the max with 5 years birth control and wolfsbane for acting out. None were innocent. To her, she knew they were purposely stirring him up. He was truly disgusting and loving every minute of it and purposely rubbing it in her face.

He was nudged by one of their pack Warriors and it pointed out she was leaving his side. He just went back to the sluts to their utter disgust. They watched over him so her didn't cross any more lines. Which was absolutely wrong.

Presley ended up in the infirmary. She sat with the current Doctor as he was a replacement for the last Doctor they had when she lived there. He smiled and asked how can I help you? Presley said not an exam, I request a booster shot for my wolf please.

He asked are you current on your injections? She smiled and said always, a few months ago though I went through a situation while I was pregnant. The baby was aborted, so I need booster shots to keep my wolf healthy.

He growled really, you aborted a baby, how long in term were you pregnant? She said a few weeks along. I was warned to keep my wolf healthy and strong.

He got up and went to get the drugs and said then I agree. I'll inject you with double the booster shots for your wolf. She smiled and said thanks.

He then asked her name and she gave it. She waited as he pulled up her file and quickly huffed saying you were once a member here.

She said yes. My parents and I left the year I turned 16. He looked at her and asked you okay? She said I am fine, just remembering. My parents never told me why we left here, but I assumed it was because they wanted me to find my true mate.

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