playtime with super moose

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Sunset playing catch with super moose on the small blanket while everyone working.

Super moose: "nice catch, sunset."

She giggled a bit and having fun with her playmate playing the ball while clapping with red and yellow sparkles appeared and disappeared.

Super moose: "one more catch, kid."

He toss the ball gently to sunset shimmer and got it by her hands.

Super moose: "way to go kid."

He begin to sniff with his nose to find the smell in this room but the smell coming from sunset shimmer.

Super moose: "look someone need a diaper change."

Rarity get up from her desk towards sunset shimmer to pick up then grab diaper, wipes, and baby powder inside the bag. They exit the classroom to the corridor towards the girl restroom to change sunset shimmer.

Pinkie: "thank you super moose."

Super moose: "your welcome pinkie."

Meanwhile in the hallway with randy and howard at his locker just talking about new games is coming soon at game hole on next Friday then suddenly bo dallas come out the trash can with 24/7 title on his shoulder to scare randy and Howard.

Randy: "what the juice? Did you come out the trash can."

Bo dallas: "yup, i'm hiding from r-truth because he capture 24/7 title from me."

Both: "oh."

He get out the trash can and walking towards the corridor full with students heading to the main lobby but blocked by tim white that's mean r-truth is back.

Bo dallas: "uh-oh!"

Someone rolled up bo to the floor for a pin with tim white begin to count.

Tim: "1,2,3." "Winner, the new 24/7 champion."

It's was drew gulak who pin bo Dallas to win 24/7 title.

Drew: "yes, I got it. I won the...."

His word is short by roll up pin by someone for a pin and the ref begin to count.

Tim: "1,2,3" "winner, the new 24/7 champion."

The person to pin drew gulak and win the 24/7 title is hardcore Holly.

Hardcore Holly: "haha, I won the 24/7 title. See ya suckers."

He running towards the main lobby doors to exit the school building with bo dallas and drew gulak chasing him got a ref with them. 

Dash: "that's pretty cool."

[New chapter is out today]

Baby sunset shimmer vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now