"I'm going to fucking kill him. I kill him and make sure he has no means of surviving." Techno muttered lowly, but loud enough for everyone to hear. Wilbur took action and tried to stop him. Tommy was still frozen in fear. He removed his hand from his mouth and his once permanent smile was gone. His tears were streaming down his face rapidly. He felt so terrible. He knew that if he had convinced her to stay, none of this would've happened. If only he had done something sooner. He kept putting the blame on himself.

He sat down next to Y/n and threw his arms around his as quickly as he could. He started to sob into her shoulder, letting her know how truly terrible he felt. He let his emotions out. He rarely did that. Y/n returned the hug, letting her own bursts of tears come out along with his.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you...I knew I should've done something, if I had done something...You would be in a better state than you are right now...And it's all my fault..." Tommy whispered, it echoed through the hollowness of the cave. This sent Techno. First, a girl he may have only known for a day or two, was just sexually assaulted by some low life. And now, his friend was now crying his sorrows out, thinking that this was all of his fault.

"Wilbur, move." He said, trying to push past the taller British man. The British man refused.

"No, Techno. Think this through for me."

"I have already thought it through, and I know what I must do."

"No, you haven't. You're letting your anger get ahead of you."

"And who's to say that's a bad thing, Wilbur?"

"I am, I'm saying that it's a bad thing Techno!"

"Well you don't have a say in what I do, now move."

"I'm not going to let you-"

"I FUCKING SAID MOVE WILBUR!" The sudden outrage by the man shocked everyone in the room. The room felt silent and the only sound heard was Y/n and Tommy's sniffling. Y/n wiped her eyes and stood up.

"I'm coming with you." She stumbled a bit but gained her balance back after a few seconds. Techno only gave her a small nod before pushing past Wilbur.

"What? No! I understand if Dave goes but-!"

"What did you call me?" Techno said, his voice dropping. Wilbur however didn't seem affected by this sudden mood change. Y/n was uncertain though and was swaying back and forth on her feet anxiously.

"You heard me, Dave. Now tell Y/n that she needs to-!" Wilbur was cut off by Techno placing his sword on his neck. Making a slight scratch in it. Wilbur froze, and started to silently pray for his life at that moment.

"Don't ever call me that again, you hear me?" Wilbur gave him a thumbs up, trying not to move the blade on his neck. Techno released the sword and grabbed the female's hand that was next to his. "Let's go Y/n. We have a murder to commit." Y/n didn't know whether to laugh or not. On one hand, the joke was funny, but on the other, they were literally about to go kill Schlatt. All she did was nod in return.

Techno helped Y/n up onto the horse, before sitting in front of her. She grabbed ahold of Techno's waist and attached herself to him. Techno gave the horse a small kick, and then they were on their marry way to go JFK the president of L'ma-


Techno stopped the horse and looked up at the sky, Y/n did the same. She gasped out loud at the sight before her. The flag that she had hand sown was now in flames, slowly burning from one end to the other. Little did she know was that her little fox friend had just let his inner arson out, just like Schlatt wanted. In fact, he was watching. He was enraged that Y/n, out of all people, was with Technoblade. He thought he had taught her a lesson.

Y/n hopped off the horse and treaded towards the burning flag. She saw her friend standing with a torch in hand, staring up with a slight smirk at his handy work.

"FUNDY!" The fox's ears turned upward, and he turned around swiftly to see his best friend, fueled with anger and hatred. Fundy quickly tossed the torch into the river as the female approached him. She stood in front of him, not knowing what to say, and the only sound that was shared was the sound of fire crackling above them. Pieces of the once beautiful flag dropped down and around the two as they held eye contact.

"Y/n I-!" Fundy was cut off by a harsh slap to his face. He stumbled back and held a paw up to his cheek.

"Fundy, what the fuck!? After all I've done for you, this is how you repay me!? I thought...I thought we could've stuck together Fundy! I thought we were friends!" Y/n cried out, tears pricking her eyes. The wind blew, making the fire rage on and the girls tears to drag away from her face and into the brisk air.

"Y/n, I'm sorry..."

"You're Sorry...You're SORRY? IS THAT ALL YOU CAN SAY!?" The girl raged on. She eventually had enough of her once beloved friend and turned around to leave. "I knew I should've left you in the woods to die..." Fundy's eyes widen as she started to walk off. He grabbed her wrist with desperation.

"Y/n, what about the kiss!? Didn't that mean anything to you!?" The girl looked I'm Fundy's eyes, she knew how he felt about her. She used to feel the same, but now she feels nothing but a dying urge to go back in time and leave him alone in the woods with his dead mother.

"No, it meant nothing." She got loose of his grip. "And it never will be." She climbed on top of the horse and held onto Technoblade. "C'mon Techno, let's go." The man nodded and looked down at Fundy, before shaking his head, and ordering his horse to take off. Leaving Fundy not only with a guilty feeling, but also a feeling of heartbreak.




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