79 Days

685 17 3

Time has a tendency to drag on when you want it to fly by... This much I've learned over the course of the past week. Ethan still hasn't called me, which I find ironic.

But what can I say? Guys are guys and most of the time guys suck. I hadn't thought that it would take him this long to come around though.

"Lydia!!!" Ryan calls from down the hallway,"Are you ready yet?"

"Ten more minutes," I beg precariously. Quickly I yank a brush through my damp hair and turn the hair dryer onto full blast. My hair doesn't take long to dry, thank God. Then I swing open my closet doors and scour through my shirts hoping to find something that was at least semi decent. I come to a halt when before my eyes a shirt appears. I don't mean it was like magic, more so that I found what I was looking for.

Not bothering to continue looking I yank the shirt over my head and throw on a pair of skinny jeans with some flats. I glance in the mirror only to find a raccoon eyed girl staring back, I grimace and begin rummaging through my stack of junk on the floor. My backpack just happens to be lying at the bottom.... So by the time I actually find it the room looks like it was torn apart by a tornado and two giants with no eyes.

"Lydia," Ryan stomps into my room like a two year old throwing a tantrum.

"YOU are going to be late!" He taunts vehemently.

"Soo," I retort, smacking my gum loudly. I rake my fingers through my hair and watch him closely. He sighs, I don't know how he had been able to put up with me for these past few days. I was a train wreck and at first blamed it on my mom ---- only to come to the realization that that was not fair at all. It wasn't her fault, at least not entirely.

"Get in the car," He scolds. I roll my eyes and drag my feet on the floor. Not to gently he grabs me by the arm and drags me down the stairs.

"Let go!" I swat at his arm, playfully at first and then more determinedly.

"No," He says in a rather detached tone of voice. I look up at his, Ryan's expression is unreadable. I stop struggling and he let's go of my arm. We walk in a chilly silence out to his car. The whole ride to school you can feel the tension in the air, it was tangible.

I flip the radio and jump from station to station hoping to find a good song, eventually one catches my attention. I pause long enough to hear the words.

It's hard to find the perfect time to say something

You know, is gonna change everything

Living with the shame,

It ain't nothing like the pain that I saw on her face

Now me and my pile of things

That she threw out the window,

Drowning next to me

No seven years of good cant hide the one night I forgot to wear that ring

So let it rain, let it pour, if she don't love me anymore,

Just let it come down on me, let it come down on me,

Every word, let it hurt, even more than I deserve,

Let it come down on me, let it come down on me, let it rain

The last thing I remember was the unfamiliar taste of someone on my lips,

It's too late to turn around,

When the shades start coming down,

The guilt you feel's the last thing on your mind

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