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This story is dedicated to a twelve-year-old girl who died on August 12th, 2020 (two months ago).

Summer 2020...

This story is about a girl named Zion and another girl named Avah. They met on Instagram when Avah signed up to be the outfit designer for Zion's Voice Acting Series for her YouTube channel.

Avah reached out to her a few weeks later and wanted to see if Zion will agree to do a collaboration with her. Surprisingly, Zion agreed to it. They worked on a few scenes for the first episode for Avah's Gacha Channel. Avah's dream was to become a GachaTuber but then she really never had her Gacha Series's first Episode up on her channel because Zion had most of the work and she didn't so she was kinda upset that she didn't have her first episode of her gacha series up on her channel.

Avah tried texting Zion several times, but didn't get a response from Zion. Zion texted her on Instagram "hello" and then never responded to her after that... on October 11th, 2020 at 3:25 pm- Zion's mother, reached out to Avah and said that Zion had died from a brief illness on August 12th, 2020.

At 7:03 in the morning on October 12th, 2020, Avah opened up her DM on Instagram and read the message that was left by her mom. Avah read the message and found out that "hello" message that Zion had texted for her, wasn't really Zion texting her- but probably it was her mom.

Avah read that entire message that her mom had texted her left Avah devastated about Zion dead from an unknown illness.

**Please pray for Zion- the 12-year-old who died from an unknown illness. Your prayers are appreciated.**

A Story Dedication to a 12-Year-Old Girl 🧡Where stories live. Discover now