"My mother was a wonderful cook. She taught me so many things throughout my childhood. But I really learned because both of my parent's had to work a lot when I was a kid so by the time I was 10 I was in charge of cooking dinner every night. I always wanted it to be really good because my parents were great. I spent a lot of time watching Food Network."

I looked over to Bobby and he was watching me intently. I smiled then looked back to what I was doing. I placed the tins in the oven then walked over to the island. He was still silently watching me with such intensity. I had the sudden urge to wrap my arms around him and kiss him softly. I could already feel how strong he was as he held me tightly. I could feel his lips push lightly against mine in a soft kiss, and how just-right his hand felt as it settled against my hip.

"Are you okay?"

My eyes focused back on Bobby in front of me. I blinked a few times trying to unsee myself in Bobby's arms.

"Yeah, sorry." I whispered and grabbed the closest thing to me to give me a reason to look away.

"Do you miss your parents?" He asked, misreading my reaction.

"I do." I started mixing flour and eggs and butter together for the pancakes.

"Where do they live?"

"New York."

"You were raised in New York?"

I shook my head. "No, I was raised in Dallas, Texas. My parents moved once I went away to college."

"Where'd you go to college?"

"Boston University." I said. "I majored in film."

"Oh, that's cool." He said and took another long drink from his coffee.

"I know I'm boring."

"I don't think you're boring." He said quickly.

"Well tell me about you."

"Is it weird that I'm in your house at 5 in the morning and we know very little about each other?"

I giggled nervously. "Maybe. But you're a friend of a friend." I glanced up to see that he was staring at me again. "And now we can be friends."

He smiled as he drank again. I picked up my coffee cup and took a long pull from it.

"What do you want to know?"

"Did you go to college?"

He nodded once. "Yes,"

"What was your major?"


I laughed to myself.


"That was almost my major."


I nodded as I started adding bacon to a sheet tray.

"When did you start wrestling?"

His eyebrows knitted together as he thought.

"Um, 2002."

I nodded once. That was a long time ago.

"How old were you in 2002?" He asked as though he could read my mind.

I sighed softly and moved across the kitchen to slide in the sheet tray of bacon into the oven. I slowly turned back toward him. He was looking at me, waiting for my answer. I wasn't sure what he hoped it would be, but I knew he wasn't going to like my answer. I didn't like my answer.

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