Chapter 3

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Said the Lady after the situation was briefly explained to her, "Baye, I sent you to answer questions, not provoke more." She frowned thoughtfully, "what is the right course of action in this situation? I cannot accept the Oath of a parent with a dependent child, how much less can I do so from the only child and heir to a throne, the only one standing between a nation and civil war? Unless you can find a way to smooth out the succession, I am afraid I cannot accept your Oath."

Jace said something quietly to Baye, who gave him an astonished look, but then frowned thoughtfully as he nodded. He turned to the Lady and asked, "might we have a word alone, my Lady?"

"Certainly," said she as she stood and withdrew to a small side chamber with her servants, leaving the distraught prince to mull over this grim pronouncement. Said she, "you have an idea?"

Baye eyed Jace skeptically, "it is insane, my Lady, but it just might work. We must do something to help this country, regardless of what happens with the Prince's intended Oath or not. From what he has said, he thinks war little worse than the tyrannical rule of these despots. We could send someone in the Prince's stead, a look alike as it were, and see if we could somehow restore justice to this oppressed King and his people."

She looked at him aghast, "and just where do you propose finding said twin and be certain he is a man who could accomplish all you say?"

Baye smiled hugely and said, "perhaps your brother did not tell you everything pertaining to the Shadow?"

She gasped as the Prince suddenly stood before her where Baye had once been. She schooled her features to neutrality and glowered at her brother, who shrugged and grinned sheepishly in reply. Said she, "I suppose I can honor the boy's request then, assuming you can find someone else to be heir to the throne and ensure a smooth transition. Go forth and root out these nefarious usurpers and save a realm from civil war." She smiled grimly, "sounds like something perfectly suited to this Shadow of yours." Baye bowed his head in acceptance of the mission and smiled in response to her last comment. She shook her head, "now I'll have to go back and eat my words, afterwards, interview the boy as you must." She turned grim eyes upon Jace, "make sure he knows what he is getting himself into and also ward him against any who might think to take advantage of the situation. Someone might already have noticed he has vanished from his homeland."

They returned to the main audience chamber and the Lady said to the glum Prince, "I have reconsidered your position and perhaps you can have your wish and we may even save your country in the process. I will send one in your stead who will try and right the wrongs afflicting your country at present, you will give him your full cooperation, and then we shall discuss your Oath."

He nearly glowed with joy, bowed deeply, and said, "I am at your service Lady." She then dismissed them and they withdrew to a small side chamber to discuss matters.

Said Baye, "is anyone likely to notice your absence?"

The prince smiled grimly, "it is unlikely, I am of no import save as a tool in the event of a succession, but if anyone is curious, I am supposedly visiting my mother's kin in the adjacent Kingdom. Who is this you will send in my stead?"

Baye said, "I will go, but I will need to know everything you can tell me about yourself, your life, your country, and everyone in the Kingdom of any import."

The boy whistled, "that is a tall order."

"Perhaps," said Baye, "but I see no other choice, once I have exhausted you with questions, my former minion here has been assigned to keep you safe and make sure you truly want to go through with this." The boy nodded eagerly.

It was a long night for them all, but Baye felt comfortable in the role he would be playing and immediately dismissed the former Prince to bed. Said he to Jace, "would you mind helping me relocate?" Jace nodded and accompanied Baye to the stableyard where his unicorn waited. Once he was mounted and they had withdrawn to a dark corner of the lawn, Jace placed a firm hand on the creature's shoulder and the pair vanished in a flash. Yawning, Jace withdrew to find what sleep he could.

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