Hawk grunted as Jace's blade nicked his arm, said he, "don't be ridiculous, your missions are just as important as our own, though perhaps far less visible to the casual observer."

As one, they sheathed their blades and withdrew to a quiet bench alongside the wall, grinned Hawk, "not a bad match, you're not a bit rusty."

Jace smiled proudly, "and you've come a long way with your own skills."

Hawk nodded, "just wait until I have been at it for a few more centuries." He winked, "I might even rival you one day?"

Jace asked soberly, "can you even comprehend the idea of centuries?"

Hawk smiled wryly, "you've had, what? Twenty years of conscious life, at most?" Jace nodded as Hawk continued, "the years pass quickly and are not as overwhelming as they seem at the first." He said gravely, "and you can Go at anytime, remember."

Jace shivered, "after all I've been through, I'd like to give it a try first."

Hawk smiled, "and I have no doubt you'll choose to remain in this service for a very long time."

Jace's brow furrowed, "how long can we serve the Shadow?"

Hawk said quietly, "until the end of Time, if that is your wish."

A sudden intensity glowed in Jace's eyes as he whispered, "I could watch all of history unfold?" Hawk nodded and Jace grinned eagerly. Changing the subject, he asked excitedly, "Baye mentioned a few new skills I now possess but need to practice, do you have time to help me?"

Hawk grinned, "I would love to but the midday meal is almost over and I have a class." He winked, "besides, a kid of your talents should be able to figure most of it out on your own."

Jace frowned, "kid?"

Hawk smiled but could say no more as a bevy of excited Students descended upon the practice yard and ended all conversation. Jace shook his head, smiled a farewell, and withdrew to the keep.

"You look lost," said a familiar voice.

Jace looked up with a smile and said to Jared, "lost in thought perhaps, I have much to think about."

Jared smiled in understanding, "it is overwhelming at first, but you'll acclimate quickly. A little down time is just what you need." He shivered, "you've been through a lot of late, at least in your own reckoning. Why not go for a ride and sort out your thoughts?"

Jace nodded his thanks and asked as he turned to go, "how have you handled it, these centuries of service? I am finding the thought a little intimidating."

Jared laughed, "one day at a time lad, one day at a time, and before you know it, it will have been a thousand years or more! Off with you, and don't get all gloomy and overwhelmed, there is no need for such in our Master's service." Jace smiled slightly at this and vanished in the direction of the stable. His unicorn was already waiting, eager to be off, wanting to spend some time alone with his long sundered master. Jace poured out his heart to the creature, his questions and concern, hopes and aspirations, and received some sound advice and no little encouragement in return. They stopped in the late afternoon, Jace little heeding whither their path had led until an unwelcome sight loomed before him.

He frowned at his companion and the unicorn whickered in amusement, as always, his sensible advice overriding his master's annoyance. Jace needed to practice a few necessary skills and this was the ideal place to do so, as they were unlikely to be disturbed and he needed somewhere with walls. He entered the crumbling ruin that had once been his home, giving his unicorn a rueful but grateful look, at which the stallion whinnied his approbation. His first few attempts to walk through a wall were disastrous, at least to his pride, but certainly amused the unicorn. At last he mastered the technique and moved on to the rather simple skill of vanishing from casual sight, but when he turned to see the unicorn's reaction, the creature too had vanished. He grinned and shifted, allowing himself to again become visible, at which the unicorn also reappeared and they shared a good laugh.

Shadow of the UnicornWhere stories live. Discover now