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Chapter One
The White Rose

"Louis, can you come see me in my office?" the restaurant manager — Mr Twist — asked politely. The blue eyes boy raised an eyebrow and nodded. He turned back to his customer with a smile.

"Your food will be ready soon." He smiled gently. The man murmured a 'thank you' and turned back to his phone. Louis sighed and looked at his boss who motioned to follow him.

"What's up, boss?" Louis asked, closing the office door. Mr Twist smiled brightly and told him to take a seat.

"So, we're going to have a special guest coming here for the next week. I wanted to see if you were up for being his waiter?" He asked with a hopeful glint in his eyes.

"Who might this guest be, sir?" Louis responded reluctantly but him and his boss both already know that Louis was for more than willing to do this job.

"My son. Harry. And, for God's sake, Lou. I told you to call me Robin already." The older man grinned. Louis chuckled lightly and nodded.

"Right, well. Of course, I'll take it. Any specifics, Robin?" Louis asked. Him and Robin had always had a close relationship. Louis and his family were about to get evicted so Louis decided to get a job but, in all his search, none were willing to take a student. That was until he found With A Twist, that is. They were looking for a shadow waiter to assist one of the older waitresses.

Louis —being desperate to help his sisters and unable mother — took the job with no hesitation. No qualifications were needed besides being over the age of eighteen. He never really had a father figure in his life. Robin stood in that place while at work, treating him like his own. Louis didn't necessarily know much about Robin. He knew that he had a wife named Anne because she was one of the head chef's and he knew that he had two children. Gemma and Harry. He didn't feel the need to know more. Robin's life was Robin's and Louis didn't want to intrude.

"Not much. He's not very picky. Just treat him like a normal customer, yeah?" Robin said.

"Right, okay. No special treatment." Louis nodded. "Wait, why would I give him special treatment?"

"You really don't know?" Robin asked, raising a brow. Louis shook his head confused and mumbled a 'no'.

"No, I don't." He said. Robin bit the inside of his cheek and looked like he was contemplating something.

"Well, you'll find out soon enough then. Hopefully sooner than later." He then smiled. Louis have him a smile in return but he was still confused, nonetheless. Why would he treat Harry differently? Sure, he's his boss's son but he's not royalty. Right? If only Louis knew.

"Okay?" He said but it came out as more of a question. Mr Twist laughed shortly and nodded.

"You're free to go now. Harry will be arriving shortly." He dismissed Louis. Louis nodded and got up but was stopped as he reached the door. "Oh and Louis. One more thing. Make sure to let only Harry sit right at the back of the restaurant and don't let anyone near him."

Louis nodded once more before smiling and walking out of the office. He fixed his hair slightly and then made his way to the kitchen.

"Hi, Anne!" Louis chimed. A lady wearing a chef's hat and apron turned around from where she had been decorating the plates.

"Louis, my dear. How's the girls?" Anne asked, grinning brightly. Anne was his second mother. His real mother had lost the bright that was once in her eyes. The fire that once lived in it was slowly dying out and all he wanted was to find something to reignite the spark.

"Great, thank you." He giggled slightly before whispering. "Heard you have a special visitor this week."

"Yeah, Haz. Don't see him much so I can't wait. Should be here in about five minutes!" Anne said with wide eyes and a goofy smile. Sometimes she acted as if she was Louis' age and Louis absolutely loved it. He knew he could mess around with her but he also knew his boundaries.

"Why don't you see him much? If you don't mind me asking." Louis inquired. Anne gave him a weird look but then brushed it off as she smiled and opened her mouth to answer but a deep voice cut her off.

"Guess who's here!" The voice said. Anne let out a little squeal and moved past Louis. Louis turned around to see a man, not much older than him, hugging her holding a white rose behind her back. The man — who Louis assumed was Harry — had his eyes clenched shut but his lips wore a giant goofy smile. He reminded him a lot of Anne and Robin a lot and he hasn't even spoken to the lad. Harry wore multiple rings on his slender fingers that were holding the rose and a pair of dark sunglasses. His nails are painted black, Louis noted.

When they finally broke apart from the hug, he sighed and passed Anne the rose. "For you, m'lady." he giggled. Anne took the rose with a small giggle and gave Harry a short hug again. Louis watched it all unfold with a small smile. He's seen Anne happy before but never this happy. Louis hadn't realised he'd been staring at Harry's forest green eyes until they averted to him. Coughing awkwardly,  he looked away.

"Who might this be, mum?" Harry said. Louis looked up with wide eyes and then glanced to Anne who gave him a huge smile and went to wrap an arm around his shoulders.

"This, my dear, is Louis Tomlinson." She said with a proud smile which made Louis' heart burst. Harry raised an eyebrow at him causing Louis to give a shy smile back.

"Louis Tomlinson? The one Robin's always on about?" He asked and when Anne nodded excitedly, a smirk made its way to his face. "Pleasure to meet you, Lou."

Louis smiled at him awkwardly as he was never good at meeting new people or just strangers in general. He nodded curtly then looked at Anne.

"I'm going to go finish serving my final table." He said and then turned to Harry. "I'll be back, um, for you soon."

"Okay, love." She smiled and they watched his retreating figure walk back into the restaurant.

"I'm assuming he doesn't know who I am?" Harry asked with a raised brow. Anne pursed her lips and nodded.

"Poor lad doesn't have time for all of that. He's got so much on his plate." She sighed. Harry furrowed his eyebrows and nodded slowly. 

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