First "Death"

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Inspired by Black Swan by BTS

Do your thing

Do your thing

The rush of blood flowed through my vein

My eyes dilated and skin in flame

Growing big growing small as every detail go

Taking one step toward the goal I know

Vibrant colors of the psyche

Turn dull that leads to blight

Once it turns darker than black

From head to hand builds a crack

"Do your thing

Do your thing

With me now!"

I shouted at the frailed hands of mine

I clutched the papers with this hand

The hand I used to make them stand

Trails of ink followed its command

From the person who had this feared hand

The hand has immense power

But that power will wither

As that hand that painted the flower

Will succumb to the taste of bitter

"Do your thing

Do your thing

With me now!"

My vision grew darker and unparalleled

I heard nothing but fall of brushes, pens, and books

Antic, in possession of mine for years in locks

Yet pathetic when I glance at the same looks

That turns into frantic ancient blocks

As my body falls into the depths of the void

So do my love and dedication

Replacing lorem ipsum to last holistic lore of Freud

My soul swam deep into disrupted isolation

"What's my thing

What's my thing

Tell me now

Tell me now!"

So long as they hadn't seen the lifeless body on the sea

Covered with vibrant colors splattered in a different hue

However, below was a black dangerous realm too dim to see

Containing the distorted suffering too unbearable to be true

As my painful 'first' death

Killing me now

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