We set up a tripod and I start my intro
"Hey guys, so today I am here with Colby Brock and today the video is a little different then my normal ones but we decided to style each other for the day. As you know we both have very different styles so let's see how this goes."

"I'm not going to lie I'm a little nervous to style you because you are very expressive with what you wear normally and I normally just wear a lot of black."

"Don't worry, I bet whatever you pick will work out. You ready for me to start?"

"Yes let's go!"

"Alright guys, we are now in Colby's closet and we'll, as you can see it's very dark. But we are going to try and find something that pops out more, almost like your Coachella  outfit."

"Oh god okay. Now keep in mind we are going for supper tonight and don't I have to wear that tonight?"

"Yes, and whatever you pick I have wear so you also remember that". I say as I look over and see something I like.

"Alright so I want to pick something that's not e-boyish. So I need a white shirt, do you have that?"

"Uhhh, I have this one... but it has a band on it."

"No that won't work, Sams here right? I might have to borrow something of his.. but for now you need black ripped jean, you must have that."

"Yes I do! I have 3 different pairs what kind do you like? So these ones have rips on the knees but they are not skinny, more straight legged. Then there is these they are skinny jeans have holes in the knees and are supper tight. Then I have these, wait, these are dirty. So you have 2 pairs to pick from..."

"Okay. Take the ones that are supper tight and then I need to see your shoes.."

"Ahh yes, I actually wanted to show you these I just got them in the mail today, they are the Nike Air Force 1's and all the edges of each part are outlined." He says while opening the box.

"Colby, omfg, I ordered those too! Mine should be coming this week. Now we are going to match!" I say getting pretty excited

"No way, I didn't think that these were your style. Huh, maybe I'm rubbing off on you."

"Oh gosh, I don't know if that's a good thing or not. Also we are going to use those."

"Alright, do you need accessories?"

Uhh, yes please, are they on your dresser?"

"Yes they are lovely" I looked over at his and he just smirked. That's a new one...

"Alright, so you are going to wear which ever rings you want.. then can you add this necklace with it?" He nods and I told him to change into what we have so far. He then comes out with no shirt, and even though I seen him with less but he looks so good.

"Y/N, I know you were still trying to decide on a shirt but I think this is pretty good how it is now." He says as he looks in the mirror.

"Alright, we are going to have to go to Sams room to figure out the rest so let's head on over." We knock on Sams door and then he yells to come in. Kat and Sam are sitting on his bed watching TikToks.

"Sam, I have a favour to ask you.... we are filming a video for my channel where we are styling each other and I'm trying to style Colby but he doesn't have 2 things that I need but I know you have then so I was wondering if we could borrow them."

" yeah of course, help yourself! If you need anything we will be in here." We go into. Sams closet and it's totally different from Colby's. So much brighter but I see what I was looking for.
"Yes, here we go. Take this Jean jacket and this white shirt and put it on. I'll go in with Sam and Kat because I want to see  this with them."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2020 ⏰

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