CHAPTER 1: First Impressions

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CHAPTER 1: First Impressions first day at high school.....Let's just say it was, OK.

I walked down Wensleydale Gardens, already feeling drowsy seeing the huge black gates of this new building, soon to be my day home for at least the next five years. St David's High School for Girls didn't seem too much of a struggle at the start, when Mrs Greggs showed me and all the other girls through our classrooms.

To be honest, I wasn't too certain that I'd get along well with any of the girls, let alone the ancient-looking teachers. Even their faces reminded me of that time Gran invited all her old-lady friends to our house for tea. They were like a wrinkly, grey-haired army with weapons of all sorts, crutches, walking sticks and some with those really creepy eye patches. Anyway, I knew I wasn't going to get off on a great start. But it would be the same with the other girls, right? I mean, it's their first day too.

I'm presuming you'd want to know how these girls looked like and how they seemed to appear. There was a huge group of pretty girls chatting about celebrity love with rolled up skirts, make-up, perfect hair, handbags and really cool, sparkly phones. Now at this point, I didn't even need to know they're personalities before I could predict that I wasn't one of them. I'm a geek, and they're SO chic.

And now I get on to their personalities. One of them is chewing gum and sticking it on the school's wall, another is saying "Shut up!" and "Literally" every single time they speak! Ugh. If people decide to speak, they need to speak properly and grammatically. You tell me. If you could hear someone randomly saying "literally" to people, would you stand there and do nothing? NO. (Even if you are thinking yes, which is probably what you're thinking, I, Penelope Smith, WAS going to do something about it).

I stormed up to them with my obviously stylish catwalk and upright posture, ready to let out the fury. As I got closer, chewing-gum-girl glanced at me and turned away clearly ignoring my dramatic approach. And I went for it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2015 ⏰

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