Chapter 7- I Will Crush Your B.......rains.

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*Ryder's POV*

After Drake had settled into Vino's old room, he joined Carly and I's attempt to decorate the Christmas tree. Kinda like welcoming him into the X Factor family. Tate talked about steaks with him,(no joke, it was kind of weird) Fifth Harmony made him watch Mean Girls with him, he knew the boys a little too well, and not we were just bored.

We looked back at the mess of a Christmas tree we made. And took the decorations down.

"Ok. Drake, what are you good at?" I asked.

"Well, I took art." He said, looking up from his sketchpad. He slid the sketchpad across the table, adn there was a expertly drawn "Evil Idea Grinch Face" that was probably made into about a dozen memes.

"That needs to be Simon's present." Said Carly, laughing.

"In that case, I'll save that for Christmas." He said.

"Ok. How should we decorate the tree?" I asked.

"Well...I had some concepts, but you guys seemes too into decorating the tree, and I didn't wanna interupt..." He said.

"You're the design master. Take it away." I said.

"So colbalt blue garlands need to be perpendicular to the ruby red." Said Drake.

"I did not get that at all." Said Carly.

"Drake, I have a 5.0 GPA, and I did not understand that whatsoever." I said, blinking in confusion.

"5.1! OhDamn, gurl, whatcha gotta say about that?"

"...Drake, you did that a little too well." I said, kind of scared.

"And how did you even get a 5.1?" Asked Carly. That was actually a legitimately good question...Wasn't the highest you could get 5.0?

"I have connections. But admit it. Admit it. This is a fabulously done tree." He said.

"Fabulous?" I asked, warily.

"I had to bunk at military school. 10 guys to a room. 5 of those guys were gay. That's what I went to sleep to each night. Anyways back to the tree." Said Drake.

"Yeah, I trust ya." I said, weakly.

"We need music though, This place is totally dead. We need some Christmas." He said.

"But Christmas carols are totally boring." I said. He raised an eyebrow, and scroleld through his phone. He then reached for my Beats Pill, and turned the music up.

"It's the most beautiful time of the year

Lights fill the streets spreading so much cheer

I should be playing in the winter snow

But I'mma be under the mistletoe" Carly and I squealed, much to the dissaproval of Drake, who winced at the hich-pitched noise. He gave us a tight smile, that said 'shut up before I throw your speakers at you.'

"I don't wanna miss out on the holiday

But I can't stop staring at your face

I should be playing in the winter snow

But I'mma be under the mistletoe" Sang Carly, jumping around, and following Drake's instructions on where to put the ornaments.

"With you, shawty with you

With you, shawty with you

With you under the mistletoe" I took a polaroid out of a box, and started snapping pictures of each other, and secret pictures of the house members. We passed it around, singing, and driving fishooks through the tops, and hanging the pictures on the tree like ghetto people.

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