Chapter 4

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Unfolding the piece of paper slowly unsure of what would be folded up inside. Seeing a number with words over top of it saying "Please call me, It would be a pleasure to get to know a beautiful girl!" Smiling I folded it back up sticking it in between the pages of my book. Exiting the ride I headed to my favorite little café, you are probably wondering why my mom would let me roam the city by myself well in this instance I don't know either. Hearing a jingle above my head I go to my favorite seat in the back corner of the room. Sticking my nose back down in to my book I read something beautiful, "There are few people whom I really love, and still fewer of whom I think well. The more I see of the world, the more am I dissatisfied with it; and every day confirms my belief of the inconsistency of all human characters, and of the little dependence that can be placed on the appearance of merit or sense." I was brought a small cup of hot chocolate my usual and an egg.

A familiar voice rang through my ears, looking up I see George and couple other kids. The blonde girl gives me a look of disgust while George looks over to me smiling giving me a small wave. "London! Hi what are you doing here?" He asks.
"I come here every Saturday morning. What are you doing here?" I ask softly.
"Same as you eating! Im going to sit with you those two lovers need time to them selves!" He flashed a big smile showing off his white teeth. I let out a small laugh.
"Oh I see you have my number still," he said,"I would have expected you to throw it away!" He said in a small whisper.

"It's a good book!" I noticed him staring at the cover. "Really it is, its about love and fighting for something you know to be right," I rambled unknowingly. He smiled again dang he was killing me with that smile.
(George 14 years old)
She was beautiful in every way I knew she wouldn't keep my number but it was worth a try, right? Smiling at her she blushed, I knew she didn't get complimented much just by her eyes. I could read her like a book, she was sad, a family member probably passed away, she loved reading, she was shy, a big nerd at school. And well thinking about it those aren't bad qualities to have. I just wish I could tell her everything would be okay, without sounding like an idiot!

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